dude. duuude. focus dude. duuude. oh! so, hey dude. LOL!!!
Crush sandboxes the current working directory similar to SQLite. The crush data directory is named crush.data
by default, and each json document is saved pretty printed as a uuid.
While this is not the speediest of storage soultion it is simple - with the benefit that all data is stored as plain text in the file system.
You may optionally set the path to the data directory. It defaults to $TMPDIR/cursh.data
but can manually be set with the CRUSH_DATA_DIR
environment variable.
# default
export CRUSH_DATA_DIR="$TMPDIR"/crush.data
# manually set the data directory path
export CRUSH_DATA_DIR=/tmp/crush.data
set <json> - Writes a json document and returns the document id
➜ crush set '{"name":"John Doe","active":true,"permissions":{"read":true,"write":false}}'
get <document-id> - Retrieves a json document by document id
➜ crush get 666B81D6-3F8A-4D57-BA3F-11FA8FC47246
"active": true,
"name": "John Doe",
"permissions": {
"read": true,
"write": false
count - Total number of json documents in the database
➜ crush count
delete <document-id> - Deletes a json document by document id
➜ crush delete 666B81D6-3F8A-4D57-BA3F-11FA8FC47246
drop (--force) - Drops the database
➜ crush drop
Drop database '/tmp/crush.data'? [Y/n] Y
➜ crush drop --force
help - Displays help
➜ crush help
A simple, self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, json document store.
Usage: crush [options] {count | delete | drop | get | help | set | version}
Available commands:
count Total number of json documents in the database
delete Deletes a json document by document id
drop Drops the database
get Retrieves a json document by document id
help (*) Provide help for individual commands
set Writes a json document and returns the document id
version Show the version of the program
Options (take precedence over global options):
-v, --version Show the version of the program
Global Options:
-h, --help Show help
version - Displays the current version
➜ crush version
A simple, self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, json document store.
crush 0.0.0
Create issues here in GitHub (https://github.com/vijayparikh/crush/issues).
For transparency and insight into the release cycle, and for striving to maintain backward compatibility, crush will be maintained under the semantic versioning guidelines.
Releases will be numbered with the follow format:
And constructed with the following guidelines:
- Breaking backward compatibility bumps the major (and resets the minor and patch)
- New additions without breaking backward compatibility bumps the minor (and resets the patch)
- Bug fixes and misc changes bumps the patch