- We can remove words associated with only 1 particular blurb
- TfIdfVectorizer paramaters,
- TF-IDF vs TF
- IDF weights down words that appear in multiple documents
- We may not want to do that because we are considering frequency across genre
- IDF weights down words that appear in multiple documents
- Does PCA work with non-linear relationships?
- If logistic classifier performs badly it may indicate a non-linear relationship, in which case try SVM with kernel trick or Neural Network
- For NN, if running takes long, research if we can use Collab given project structure or Google Cloud or NYU HPC
- to do cross validation, combine training, dev, and test into one df
- Pick more sub-genres for promotion and remove base genres (i.e. d0)
- Run only on d1s or others
- Confusion matrix plot
- accuracy, mse, f1, recall
- per class
- Comparisons between models
- n_components = 100 vs 200
- max_df lowered pov when max_df = 1 / num_classes
- no min_df lowered pov
- using IDF gave better results
- due to slow iteration times with svm we decided to use compliment niave bayes during feature selection
- cmb
- keep only min samples over all classes for each class
- i.e. business is smallest class with 650 items so make all classes 650 sized
- remove children's books