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Apply Damage

VK Dolea edited this page Oct 4, 2021 · 2 revisions

Health and Fortune

When applying damage, here is how it looks like: Apply Damage - Health and Fortune

  1. Select tokens to be damaged.
  2. Click "Apply Damage" on damage chat card.
  3. Each token has a summary of armor and damage received. There is a button to adjust damage for each token individually.
  4. You can find a damage preview showing current Health/Fortune and how bad it will be afterwards.
  5. Use "Ignore Damage" option if you want to spare a particular token.
  6. Click "Apply Damage" to apply damage to all tokens.
  7. A message will be sent to GMs with a summary containing token image, name and Health/Fortune summary (previous value and the final one).

Injury (Modern AGE Alternate Damage)

Here is how the Apply Damage window looks like when applying Injuries: Apply Injury Dialog

Here is how it works:

  1. First, you select all tokens you want to apply Injury.
  2. Them click "Resist Damage" button from the damage chat card.
  3. When Apply Damage window opens, check the right hand side for Damage summary. You can change Base damage applicable to all tokens. Let's leave the buttons for later.
  4. Each token will have a line with a summary of armor, Toughness, test bonus, marks. Additionally, you can fine tune the damage for each token (to account for special resistance, for example) and also grant some bonus to the toughness Roll.
  5. "Ignore Damage" checkbox can be check if you do not want that token to be subject to damage/injury.
  6. "Apply Injury" checkbox is the box to check if you want the token to auto apply the Injury Degree in case the Toughness Test fails. By default, this box is checked for all NPCs and unchecked for player-owned tokens.
  7. "Toughness Test" will roll the Toughness Test to all tokens (if "Let Player Roll" is checked, players will receive a whispered chat message with a button to roll the Toughness Test with all the modifiers set by the GM).
  8. "Apply Injury to All" is a overide to the "Apply Injury": all tokens will have Injury Degree applied if the Toughness Test fails.
  9. After pressing the buttons, a chat message will be sent to all GMs showing a summary with all Injury applied to tokens (if any).