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System Settings

VK Dolea edited this page Sep 26, 2022 · 17 revisions

Health System

"Basic" uses Armor Rating and Health, "The Expanse" adds Toughness and Fortune, and "Modern AGE" uses different damage and armor types and vitality depending on mode selected. Just pick an option the fits your game, based on your book/setting. This settings combines the old settings "Use Toughness" and "Use Impact and Ballistic Armor".

Initiative Focus

The text typed in this field will be considered the name of the Focus used to roll Initiative. The focus value will be summed to Dexterity to roll for initiative when a combat starts. The comparison is not case sensitive.

Use Conviction

Enable this option to use Conviction rules, as seen on Modern AGE and Blue Rose.

Use Fatigue

Fatigue is an optional rule from Modern AGE and a core rule on Blue Rose. Enable this option if Fatigue is required in your game.

Use Conditions

Conditons debuted on The Expanse and affects the character in different ways. Until version 0.6.5, you can set Use Conditions on and off. Starting on version 0.7.0, it will be "always on". Hover Condition name and check tooltips for more information.

Use Power Points

If your game uses Power Points (aka Mana, Kana, Magic Points...), tick this option!

Select Primary Abilities

Some AGE System games require characters to track which Abilities are Primary and which ones are Secondary. By enabling this setting, a second check box will appear in front of each Abilities in the character sheet. Use this extra checkbox to mark Primary abilities according to the ruleset in use.

Select Game Mode

Modern AGE presents Gritty, Pulp and Cinematic game modes, which impacts Health gain, weapon damage and how Thoughness works. Set your game mode here or set to None, in case this setting is not applicable to your game.

Select Health Tracker

The Expanse uses Fortune instead of Health. Just select the correct flavor for you system.

Wealth System in Use

Income and Resources are wealth systems from The Expanse and Modern AGE, base on die rolls. For usual money-tracking options, set this for Currency or GP / SP / CP (aka Gold Pieces, Silver Pieces and Copper Pieces).

Ability Settings

AGE System has character Abilities based on Dragon AGE or based on what is the Core AGE Abilities. If your game is not using Dragon AGE ruleset, just stick to the Core AGE option.

Select client side color scheme

This adds a little customization on how characters sheets, Serendipity/Complication/Churn tracker will look like. It will also color your chat messages. This is a player-level setting.

Occupation Options

Profession, occupation, class. Just pick the one that makes sense within the scenario. It only affects character sheet label

Ancestry Options

Ancestry, species, races, origin... Just select which definitions is the best flavor for the game setting. It will only affect the label in character sheets.

Weapon Groups

If your game uses Weapon Groups (Fantasy AGE, Dragon AGE, Blue Rose), fill in this field with the name of each Weapon Group and separate values using ; or leave this field totally empty if your game doesn't use Weapon Groups. Pro tip: if a weapon has no Weapon Group assigned, characters will be able to use it without penalties.

Use Complication or Churn

Whenever your game worlds uses Modern AGE Companion Complication rules or the core Churn from The Expanse, select the appropriate option or none for a game without extra challenges. Look at AGE Tracker for more information.

Use Serendipity

This is a Modern AGE Companion rule to create a Stunt Points pool for players - the pool will be visible by all players. Enable if you want this option on. Look at AGE Tracker for more information.

Select Compendium with Focus

Select a compendium with Focus. All focuns inside this compendium will appear as suggestion to all players when filling in a Focus name inside an Item.

Dice so Nice coloset for Stunt Die

If the game worlds has the module Dice so Nice enabled, each player sill be able to select a dice preset to be that player's Stunt Die. It makes Stunts so Nice... Duh! This is a player-level setging.

Allow Observers to roll

With this option enabled, players with the Observer permission for an Actor will be able to roll dice from this Actor's sheet.