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A bot software to run your own AI Image Generator Discord bot with a local StableDiffusion installation.


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This is the code of the first version of my Discord bot software named "DeguDiffusion", that allows you to run your own AI-powered images generation bot on Discord using a local installation of StableDiffusion.

The software is available under MIT license.

The concept behind it is simple :

  • You create a bot account, and add its token to the .env file as DISCORD_TOKEN.
  • The software will use the bot account to connect to Discord and register image generation commands (/degudiffusion notably) on the servers it has been invited to.
  • Users on the servers use these commands to send image generation requests to your server.
  • Your server generate the images, using a local installation of HuggingFaces StableDiffusion, and send back the result through Discord.

Main view

The software is meant to run on a machine equipped with an NVIDIA GPU.
This has not been tested at all with AMD or Intel GPU.

A Job Queue system is provided, allowing you to queue generations requests and treat them once previous ones finished.

Each request job generates a specific thread, unless its size is lower than a certain amount, in which cases messages are sent directly on the same channel.

Messages sent directly

This software won't receive major updates, I'm just uploading this version since it's working, and want to keep the working version somewhere before I break it and remake a more versatile one.

Running bot

Quick installation

Setup a .env file with at least two entries :

# Make sure your bot has sufficient rights and privileges.
# Write your Discord bot token after the '='. No quotes needed.

# Make sure you accepted the license on
# Write your Huggingfaces token after the '='. No quotes needed.

Then run STARTBOT.bat (or on Linux).

Provided commands


/degudiffusion Summons a form, where you can setup the generation

Degu Diffusion

Repeat Diffusion

Right-click on a Bot message > Apps > Repeat Diffusion

Summons a form, reusing the settings provided in the message.
Fails if the message right-clicked contained no diffusion information.

Apps > Repeat Diffusion Generate form

Check Degu PNG Metadata

Right-click on a generated image message > Apps > Check Degu PNG Metadata

Sends back the metadata of a generated PNG, if it still exist on the server.

Apps > Check PNG PNG Metadata

Note : This doesn't try to download the PNG !
This only reads it from the server harddrive, if it's still present.

Also, this uses ephemeral messages ("Only you can see this message" messages).
Sometimes these messages cannot be seen by the client, when sent inside threads, due to some obscure Discord client bug.
In this case, just try again.

Using the bot software

This is mainly designed to run on a simple Windows PC, but it also been tested on Linux.


First configuration

If you're using Docker, check

Setup a .env file with at least two entries :

# Make sure your bot has sufficient rights and privileges.
# Write your Discord bot token after the '='. No quotes needed.

# Make sure you accepted the license on
# Write your Huggingfaces token after the '='. No quotes needed.

Check .env.sample for more configuration directives.
Read below if you want to know how to get these tokens.


On Windows

Double-click on STARTBOT.bat and wait for "StableDiffusion ready to go".

On Linux

Run (./ and wait for "StableDiffusion ready to go"

Through Docker-compose

Use the following setup :

version: "3.9"
    image: vrvoyage/degudiffusion:1.1
    build: .
    env_file: .env
      - STABLEDIFFUSION_CACHE_DIR=stablediffusion_cache
      - IMAGES_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=generated # Can be commented if SAVE_IMAGES_TO_DISK is set to false
      # - SAVE_IMAGES_TO_DISK=false # If you uncomment this, you can comment the first volume
      - ./generated:/app/generated # Only required if SAVE_IMAGES_TO_DISK=false isn't set
      - ./cache:/app/stablediffusion_cache # Related to STABLEDIFFUSION_CACHE_DIR
      - ./config:/app/config # Can be mounted in Read-Only if a 'replacers.json' file is already present
            - driver: nvidia
              count: all
              capabilities: [gpu]

The Docker-image is available here :

The build image is available here :

On Windows, make sure your docker installation supports CUDA.

On Linux, make sure you have nvidia-container-runtime installed and setup in your docker/daemon.json configuration file (Generally in /etc).

On other platforms

Install the dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the bot


Testing StableDiffusion alone

If you want to test StableDiffusion itself alone, run TEST_STABLEDIFFUSION.bat or

Using default settings, this should output 8 images in the output folder (generated/ by default).

If the test fails, check the HUGGINGFACES_TOKEN you put in the .env file.
Also pay attention to every line output on the terminal, some of them might provide clear explanations about what's going on.

How do I get the required informations ?

Huggingface Token

You need to be registered on HuggingFaces.

Then go to "Access Token" from your User Profile and generate or copy your token in the .env file after HUGGINGFACES_TOKEN= (No need to add quotes).

Get an Access Token

By default, you also need to accept the licence of CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4

Discord Bots, how do they work ?

A bot is just a special Discord account, who needs a TOKEN to login to Discord, instead of a login/password.

So, the DISCORD_TOKEN is used by this software to actually login to Discord as the Bot.

You can run a bot while being also being connected to Discord with another account, on the same machine, and the bot was actually only tested in that kind of environment.

Creating a bot and bot account

  • Go to the Discord Developer portal.
  • Create a "New application", by clicking the upper right button near your Profile icon.
  • Setup the name then make sure you're currently editing your new application.
  • In Bot (Left panel), in "Build-A-Bot", click on "Add Bot" and Confirm.
  • On Oauth2 General (Left panel), select :
      In-app Authorization
    • SCOPES
      • bot
      • application.commands
      • Read Messages / View Channels
      • Send Messages
      • Create Public Threads
      • Send Messages in Threads
      • Attach Files
  • On OAuth2 URL Generator (Left panel) :
    • Select the same SCOPES (bot and application.commands) and PERMISSIONS.
    • Copy the generated URL at the bottom.
  • Enter this URL in your browser to add the generated bot to one of your server.

You can also send this link to people who'd like to invite the bot to their server.

  • In Bot, again, click on 'Reset Token' and copy it after DISCORD_TOKEN= in the .env file (No need to use quotes).

If the permissions were wrong :
Set the permissions again on both panels
Open the new URL in your browser and invite the Bot again on the same server.

Screenshots of the authorizations
Oauth2 General

Screenshot of authorizations checkboxes required in Oauth2 General

Bot intentions

Screenshot of the Bot setup

Oauth2 URL Generator

Screensoht of authorizations checkboxes required in Oauth2 URL Generator

Discord Bot Token

If you don't know it, click on "Reset Token" in the "Bot" section of your application. You can view your application settings on the Discord Developer Portal.

Reset Discord bot token

Once generated, copy the token as DISCORD_TOKEN in the .env file.

Additional configuration

Lower VRAM usage

Add the following line to your .env file to switch to Float16 mode and reduce the VRAM usage by half (roughly) :


Using Waifu Diffusion instead

Add the following lines to your .env file, to use the Waifu Diffusion model instead :


Environment variables list

Here's the list of optional environment variables you can define to configure the bot.
When not defined, their Default value will be used.

    Define where you want to store the generated pictures.
    Default : generated
    Spaces are allowed. No need to use quotes.
    The directory will be created if it doesn't exist.
    Example : IMAGES_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=another folder

    When running the bot, this setting is ignored when SAVE_IMAGES_TO_DISK is set to false.

    Define whether generated files are saved on the disk or not.
    Default : true
    Example : SAVE_IMAGES_TO_DISK=false

    This setting is ignored when testing Stable Diffusion alone.

    Determine the HuggingFaces model used by StableDiffusionPipeline.
    Default : CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4
    Example : STABLEDIFFUSION_MODEL_NAME=hakurei/waifu-diffusion

    Allows you to select between different StableDiffusion modes.
    Default : fp32
    Currently only fp16 and fp32 are supported.
    VRAM usage is lower in fp16, so if you're low on VRAM, set this to fp16.

    Maximum number of images to output per job request.
    Default : 64
    That means that the NUMBER OF IMAGES typed in /degudiffusion form will be clamped to that maximum value.
    Example : MAX_IMAGES_PER_JOB=8

    Maximum number of inferences steps per image.
    Default : 120
    This clamps the INFERENCES number typed in /degudiffusion form to that maximum value.

    Maximal guidance scale allowed.
    Default : 20
    This clamps the GUIDANCE SCALE number typed in /degudiffusion form will be clamped to that maximum value.

    The width and height of generated images.
    Default : 512
    Be EXTREMELY careful with this one, VRAM usage grows dramatically when using higher values.
    I highly recommend to switch to fp16 when using more than 512x512.
    Going below 512 in any direction will generally lead to garbage results.
    Example :

    The number of images after which the bot will automatically create a thread.
    Default : 2
    That means that if you set it to 5 :
    When requesting up to 5 images per job, the bot will output everything on the channel from where the job request was done.
    When requesting 6 images or more, the bot will create a thread and send the results inside this thread.

    When set to True or true, the job response will only include the pictures, without any further details (like the Seed, Actual Prompt.).
    Default : false
    Example : COMPACT_RESPONSES=True

    You can still use "Check Degu PNG Metadata" when using compact responses.

    The default NUMBER OF IMAGES used in /degudiffusion form.
    Default : 8

    The default PROMPT used in /degudiffusion form.
    Default : Degu enjoys its morning coffee by {random_artists}, {random_tags}
    Example : DEFAULT_PROMPT=A Nendoroid of a Chipmunk by {random_artists}, {lyuma_cheatcodes}

    The default SEED used in /degudiffusion form.
    Default to an empty value.
    Note that you don't have to type a SEED value, in Degu Diffusion.
    When no seed is provided, a random seed is generated for you.
    Example : DEFAULT_SEED=-1

    The default number of INFERENCES used in /degudiffusion form.
    Default : 60

    The default GUIDANCE SCALE used in /degudiffusion form.
    Default : 7.5

    Determine if -1 should be interpreted as a random seed or an actual seed value.
    Default : True
    By default, now, -1 is treated as a random value, since many users are used to type -1 to get a random seed.
    Note that you don't have to type a SEED value, in Degu Diffusion.
    When no seed is provided, a random seed is generated for you.
    Example : SEED_MINUS_ONE_IS_RANDOM=false

    Force StableDiffusionPipeline to use predownloaded local files only, and avoid connecting to the internet.
    Default : false

    When set to true, HUGGINGFACES_TOKEN is not required anymore.

    Determine where StableDiffusionPipeline download its files to.
    Empty by Default
    This is mainly used for Docker setups.
    When not set, or set to an empty string, StableDiffusionPipeline will determine where to download its files.
    Example : STABLEDIFFUSION_CACHE_DIR=sd_cache

    The directory will be created if it doesn't exist.

    Determine the PyTorch device used. Default to "cuda".
    Default : cuda
    Any value other that cuda is untested.
    Example : TORCH_DEVICE=rocm

    Maximum number of characters allowed for NUMBER OF IMAGES in /degudiffusion form.
    Default : 4

    Maximum number of characters allowed for PROMPT in /degudiffusion form.
    Default : 500
    Example : FORM_PROMPT_INPUT_MAX=100

    Note that with the default setup, StableDiffusion will parse up to 77 tokens and ignore the rest.

    Maximum number of characters allowed for SEED in /degudiffusion form.
    Default : 38
    Example : FORM_SEED_INPUT_MAX=200

  • FORM_INFERENCES_INPUT_MAX Maximum number of characters allowed for INFERENCES in /degudiffusion form.
    Default : 3

    Maximum number of characters allowed for GUIDANCE SCALE in /degudiffusion form.
    Default : 6

    Be careful, conversion from float to string adds at least one decimal.
    This conversion might lead to errors when using the DEFAULT_GUIDANCE_SCALE, while preparing the form.
    For example, if DEFAULT_GUIDANCE_SCALE=7 then the displayed value will be 7.0, and will take 3 characters.
    If FORM_GUIDANCE_SCALE_INPUT_MAX is set to 2 characters, the form will become unuseable.

Special tags

  • {random_artists}
    Adds 1 to 5 random artists names
  • {random_tags}
    Adds 0 to 4 random tags
  • {lyuma_cheatcodes}
    Try it !

You can add more by editing replacers.json

Denying prompts

If the file config/denied_expressions.txt exists, each line of these files is interpreted as a Regular Expression.
When a user request an image generation, if the prompt matches any of these regular expressions, the generation request is denied.

This file is optional and is not created by default.

There are various online tools to build Regular Expressions, like, for example, .


Example 1

Using the following config/denied_expressions.txt


If the prompt contains the characters "table", the generation request will be denied.

Meaning that the prompt :

  • "Hamsters playing roulette around a tABlE" will be denied.
  • "Horses in their Stables" will be denied.

Demonstration of the first example

Example 2

Using the following config/denied_expressions.txt


Prompt will be denied if any of thees conditions is true :

  • The prompt contains any word starting with "table"
  • The prompt contains any word ending with "sofa"
  • The prompt contains the characters "chair"

Meaning that the promt :

  • "A pic-nic table" will be denied.
  • "People playing Tabletop RPG" will be denied.
  • "An Unstable portal" will be accepted.
  • "A photo of a bed-sofa" will be denied.
  • "A world Sofar" will be accepted.
  • "Reunion of Armchair general" will be denied.

Demonstration of the second example

Technical notes

The regular expressions are compiled with the re Python standard library, using only one flag : re.IGNORECASE.

Compact mode

Here are two screenshots with :

  • Compact mode disabled (default)
    Compact mode disabled

  • Compact mode enabled (COMPACT_RESPONSES=True)
    Compact mode enabled

Special notes

If you're not too familiar with StableDiffusion, remember that this will eat your VRAM for breakfast.

Add STABLEDIFFUSION_MODE=fp16 to your .env if you want to run in FP16 mode, reducing the amount of VRAM used.
While this can reduce the amount of VRAM used by 1.5 ~ 2 times, remember that it's still GPU intensive and VRAM heavy.

Known bugs

  • The 'Job done' message is sent just before the last result, due to timing issues.
  • Invoking /degudiffusion from a Discord thread by cause errors, since the software will try to create a thread inside a thread, which is not supported by Discord.