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Corporate Design System Blueprint

Often in a big companies different teams use distinct ui frameworks to develop frontends, each team has to implement buttons, checkboxes and so on over and over again, upon that the team should fallow the styleguide of the company, no surprise this approach is very unsufficient. It exist better approach, to develop single code basis and from this code basis then compile to target ui framework components (Angular, React, Vue). This project is a blueprint for developing the single code basis (core-components) and from this code basis then to compile to target framework components. For this goal Stencil can be used, stencil is a toolchain for building reusable, design systems. Stencil will generate web-components based on web standards and wrap the web-components to the framework component like angular or react, which can be used als normal framework components.

Deployed To GitHub Pages

Note: Build and deployed to github pages, 3 clients (Angular, React, Pure Web) for demonstration purpose, all application have same look and feel build and compiled from single source to the target freamework components. Click on the image to navigate to the application.

Angular Application

Angular Client

React Application

React Client

Web Application

Web Client


Note: Storybook is used to document and test in isolation the core components (web-components). Click on the image to navigate to the storybook page.


Technology stack used in this project
  • Lerna (Build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages)
  • Husky (Husky improves your commits and more)
  • Commitlint (Lint commit messages)
  • Commitizen (When you commit with Commitizen, you'll be prompted to fill out any required commit fields at commit time.)
  • Stencil (Stencil is a toolchain for building reusable, scalable Design Systems, based on Web-Components)
  • Angular (JS Framework to develop amazing uis)
  • React (JS Framework to develop amazing uis)
  • Storybook (Document and test platform)

How to use this template for development

Clone project

git clone

Install dependencies

npm i

Build modules

lerna run build --include-dependencies --ignore=angular-client --ignore=react-client --ignore=web-client

Run to test the clients

lerna run start --scope=angular-client
lerna run start --scope=react-client
lerna run start --scope=web-client

Run storybook

lerna run start --scope=storybook

Commit changes

git add .
git cz

Publish packages to npm registry

lerna publish

Deploy to GitHub page

git checkout ghpage
npm run deploy:ghpage


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