This repository contains implementations of algorithms on graphs and binary trees, and sorting algorithms
git clone
cd algorithms_playground
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. && make -j
- Algorithms on graphs (using both Aadjacency lists and adjacency matrices)
- Breadth first search
- Depth first search
- Prim's algorithms
- Kruskal's algorithm
- Ford Fulkerson algorithm
- Find mother vertex
- All paths between
- Colour Graph (using the minimum number of colours)
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- Kosaraju's algorithm
- Floyd Warshall algorithm
- Bellman Ford algorithm
- Find strongly connected components (using Kosaraju's algorithm)
- Articulation Points
- Topological Sort
- Is Bipartite
- Divide Into Two Cliques
- Hamiltonian Path
- Hierholzer's Algorithm
- Dinacs Algorithm (only adjacency matrix)
- Create Level Graph (only adjacency matrix)
- Find Bridges (only adjacency matrix)
- Algorithms on binary trees
- In order traversal
- Pre order traversal
- Post order traversal
- construct binary tree from preorder and inorder traveral
- construct binary tree from inorder and postorder traveral
- Algorithms on binary search trees
- construct BST from preorder traveral
- insert into BST
- find in BST
- delete from BST
- find lowest common ancestor
- check pair sum BST
- Sorting algorithms (using both indices and iterators)
- Bubble sort
- Insertion sort (5 variants including with binary search)
- Merge sort
- Merge sort in place
- Quick sort
- Quick sort in place
- Selection sort
- Bucket sort
- Counting sort
- Heap sort
- Add documentation for each algorithm
- Add documentation explaining each algorithm
- Add tests for each function