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Releases: vuestorefront/storefront-ui


26 Apr 13:51
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🐛 Fixes

  • SfAccordion: removed the click event to solve the issue of change not defined
  • SfButton: replaced onClick method with click
  • Improvement in the release section structure in storybook
  • SfBullets: if current prop is greater than or equal total prop then current prop value is 0
    and there is an error message in console about wrong value for current prop
  • SfInput: fixed errors in storybook story
  • SfHero: showing mobile images
  • SfCallToAction: showing desktop images in background
  • SfBottomModal: fix story
  • SfGallery: fix size and position of outside zoom image

🧹 Chores:

  • added new website to list of companies that use SFUI


21 Mar 11:37
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❗ Breaking Changes

  • SfSidebar: new position prop is added for positioning sidebar. Available values are left and right. When prop isn't set, default value is left
  • removed SfSlidingSection and mobile observer

🚀 Features

  • add the possibility to change breakpoint by mixins and configuration in Nuxt and by script in Vue projects
  • SfScrollable: replaced plugin with native solution
  • SfScrollable: added styling for native scrollbar
  • SfIcon: added lazy loading feature for icons

🐛 Fixes

  • E2E tests: SfHero on home page fixed,
  • one footer for nuxt pages,
  • SfHero: image passed as object doesn't appear,
  • SfCollectedProduct: removed issue of input function in story and removed duplicate props
  • SfFooter: removed mobile observer
  • SfSidebar: add position prop and fix animation loading for async component

🧹 Chores:

  • gh action workflow change to run tests on push/pull to develop and master branches
  • SfProductCard, SfMegaMenu, SfFooter, SfContentPages: removed isMobile,
  • global: removed SfSlidingSection and mobile observer
  • docs: added example to use playground and update command


08 Mar 22:53
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🚀 Features

  • Category and Home page: added SfColorPicer to SfProductCard components
  • Lighthouse tests: Product, Detailed Cart, Static and Login page added

🐛 Fixes

  • SfColorPicker: stretch overlay for color picker
  • SfGallery: no alt and src props error appearing when refreshed product page is rendered,
  • E2E test: SfCarousel and SfHero test fixed

🧹 Chores:

  • global: removed isMobile from SfHeader, SfHero, SfBanner, SfTile, SfCategoryCard and Error, Home pages


23 Feb 14:27
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🚀 Features

  • SfHero: new CSS vars for easier customization of SfHeroItem button (--hero-item-button-width, --hero-item-button-height,
    --hero-item-button-padding, --hero-item-button-color, --hero-item-button-transition, --hero-item-button-background,
    --hero-item-button-cursor, --hero-item-button-wrap, --hero-item-button-text-transform, --hero-item-button-text-decoration,
  • feat: change the docs tab to the first place in toolbar
  • SfModal: new CSS var - --modal-content-height

🐛 Fixes

  • SfImage: fix invalid attribute at srcset,
  • SfImage: when rendered on nuxt it has image-tag set to img as default,
  • SfImage: cannot add width and height as separate props when using nuxt-img,
  • SfGroupedProduct: fixed issue with display on mobile view,
  • Nuxt Detailed Cart page not found fixed,
  • SfInput: attribute has invalid input in some cases,
  • add timeout options to cypress configuration
  • SfProductCardHorizontal: adjusted position of wishlist icon
  • add timeout options to cypress configuration,
  • SfImage: add internal custom properties --_image-width and --_image-height to set props height and width properly and allow to overwrite them by custom properties --image-width and --image-height when needed,
  • Nuxt module: exclude core-js from transpiling process

🧹 Chores:

  • docs: mutating props error in following stories: SfAddressPicker, SfAddToCart, SfColorPicker, SfComponentSelect, SfDropdown, SfCheckbox, SfPagination, SfContentPages,
  • docs: changed date format to text in SfReview component story,
  • docs: mutating props error in following stories: SfAddressPicker, SfAddToCart, SfColorPicker, SfComponentSelect, SfDropdown, SfCheckbox, SfPagination, SfContentPages,


07 Feb 10:24
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🚀 Features

  • SfGallery: added slots for big image and outside zoom, enabled passing custom placeholder in images prop object
  • SfImage: added slot for placeholder
    • SfProductCard: new CSS vars - --product-card-image-width and --product-card-image-height
  • SfGallery: new CSS vars - --gallery-image-width, --gallery-image-height, --gallery-thumbs-image-width and --gallery-thumbs-image-height
  • SfCollectedProduct: new CSS vars - --collected-product-image-width and --collected-product-image-height
  • SfProductCardHorizontal: new CSS vars - --product-card-horizontal-image-width and --product-card-horizontal-image-height
  • SfGroupedProduct: new CSS vars: - --grouped-product-image-width and --grouped-product-image-height

🐛 Fixes

  • used "SfButton" instead of role="button" in "Category" page and "SfShippingDetails" template
  • E2E test for login page fixed,
  • SfImage: removed styles added by width and height props,
  • SfImage: removed fit property validation in nuxtImgConfig prop, allowed to pass width and height value as String type and added validation for non Integer values, changed props in all components utilizing SfImage accordingly,
  • SfImage: passing width and height values from nuxtImgConfig to placeholder,
  • SfImage: applied red dot outline properly when there is no alt prop passed when component is rendered using nuxt-picture,
  • SfImage: apply red dot outline properly when there is no alt prop passed when component is rendered using nuxt-picture,
  • SfImage: showing placeholder only when img element is used
  • SfProductCard, SfGallery, SfCollectedProduct, SfProductCardHorizontal: added styles for images,
  • SfButton: added type attribute to SfButton.
  • SfShippingDetails, Category: used SfButton instead of role="button" in Category page and SfShippingDetails template,
  • SfHero: removed duplicate classes sf-arrow from SfArrow component
  • SfCollectedProduct: bug with unexpected class behavior in "more-actions" and "remove" element
  • SfAccordion: fixed issue with multiple instances on component update

🧹 Chores:

  • docs: udpate Storybook to latest release, remove errors in console regarding link value, fix quantity bug in SfCollectedProduct story, remove @map:ready event from SfStoreLocator story to get rid of console warn
  • docs: removed scss files for stories in SfMegaMenu, SfFooter and SfSelect components,
  • docs: added the description for v-modal custom props and events in components stories,
  • docs: changed the order of css custom properties addon
  • included the local history folder in gitignore


24 Jan 16:51
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v0.12.0 contains API breaking changes and new features.

❗ Breaking Changes

  • global: provide overriding by :root in projects
  • SfImage: default image added as a placeholder
  • SfImage: width and height props types changed to number and both are required
  • SfCard, SfGallery, SfCollectedProduct, SfGroupedProductItem, SfProductCard, SfProductCardHorizontal: props types of imageWidth and imageHeight changed to Number
  • SfStore: props types of pictureWidth and pictureHeight changed to Number
  • transitions: remove SfExpand functional component and fix sf-expand css styles
  • SfInput, SfComponentSelect, SfSelect, SfSlidingSection, SfTextarea: replace transitions using properties affecting performance with transform
  • global: providing overriding by :root in projects
  • SfLink: required attribute added to the link prop and defined default value of to property for nuxt-link
  • SfSearchbar, SfInput: replace native input with SfInput component and add new SfIcon component in SfInput, change events, props and css vars

🚀 Features

  • SfImage, SfGallery, SfProductCard, SfProductCardHorizontal, SfBanner, SfHero: add possibility to use nuxt-img and nuxt-picture in SfImage component and add props to other components to configure nuxt-image module
  • SfBanner: new slot img-tag
  • Home, Category, Product pages: add nuxt-img props and add nuxt-image module in nuxt package
  • add will-change directive to allow using this property only when it's needed for performance reasons
  • SfComponentSelect: new modifier for positioning label on the right
  • Mobile observer: refactor

🐛 Fixes

  • SfRating: easier to change color and size of icons by CCS properties
  • SfTabs: fixed issue with memory leak
  • transitions: remove SfExpand functional component and fix sf-expand css styles
  • SfTextArea: Bug fix for SfTextarea in form for Mobile view
  • SfGallery: push new images to gallery not working correctly
  • SfProductCard: Replaced template tag with a div to fix showAddToCartButton prop not working

🧹 Chores:

  • docs: change selector to overwrite global styles to :root
  • docs: removed default padding in SfGallery, SfSteps, SfContentPages, SfFooter, SfHeader, SfHero, SfStoreLocator, SfSection, SfTable, SfTabs, SfTopBar stories
  • docs: removed default padding in SfShippingDetails, SfOrderHistory, SfMyProfile, SfMyNewsletter templates and in all pages


20 Dec 11:10
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🐛 Fixes

  • SfTabs: SfChevron displays only on mobile view
  • SfTabs: fixed issue with memory leak


10 Dec 08:35
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🔨 Refactors

  • SfIcon: it's a regular component instead of functional component

🐛 Fixes

  • SfSection: fixed issue with rendering empty heading
  • Customization stories: updated documentation file with new code examples for customization
  • SfProductCard: add badge showing when there are more then colors in ColorPicker
  • SfAccordion: removed mutating children behavior that caused memory leak
  • SfMegaMenu: fix click:back event
  • SfHeader: fix keyup.enter event
  • SfBanner, SfCallToAction, SfCard, SfMenuItem, SfCollectedProduct, SfHero, SfProductCard, SfProductCardHorizontal: link prop default value is null instead of ""
  • SfIcon: unique id for linearGradient

🧹 Chores

  • SfFooterColumn: SfButton with attribute type button instead of button tag
  • SfSearchBar: attribute type button added to SfButton
  • global: added html-validator for nuxt
  • docs: updated information about slots in organisms
  • docs: added browser support info
  • docs: updated information about slots in molecules
  • docs: updated information about slots in atoms
  • updated Storybook to 6.4.8 version
  • docs: fix events in organisms and templates and add descriptions
  • docs: remove font installation script and adjust the description


25 Nov 10:22
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🔨 Refactors

  • atoms: SfColor, SfHeading, SfIcon, SfImage, SfInput, SfOverlay, SfPrice, SfTextarea: display: none instead of v-if
  • molecules: SfAlert, SfBanner, SfBar, SfBottomModal, SfCallToAction, SfCategoryCard, SfCheckbox, SfColorPicker, SfComponentSelect, SfDropdown, SfFilter, SfGallery, SfMenuItem, SfModal, SfNotification, SfPagination, SfRadio, SfReview, SfSelect, SfTile: display: none instead of v-if
  • organisms: SfAccordion, SfBottomNavigation, SfCollectedProduct, SfContentPages, SfFooter, SfHeader, SfHero, SfMegaMenu, SfProductCard, SfProductCardHorizontal, SfSidebar, SfStoreLocator, SfTabs: display: none instead of v-if
  • SfContentPages: Detecting active page regardless of the casing

🚀 Features

  • atoms: improved unit tests coverage
  • SfCollectedProduct: added max and min prop for quantity selector
  • SfCard: new props imageWidth and imageHeight
  • SfStore in SfStoreLocator: new props pictureWidth and pictureHeight
  • SfImage, SfLoader, SfBottomModal, SfFooter, DetailedCart, Error, Home, Cart, ConfirmOrder, Payment: added width and height for images

🐛 Fixes

  • Home page: desktop images added to Instagram Feed and styled to fit the designs
  • SfButton: link button was not setup as full width
  • SfComponentSelect: added cancelLabel prop and binding for cancelHandler
  • SfRadio: mutating prop directly error fixed in Storybook
  • SfOverlay - fix emitting click event
  • Default: SfHeader removed duplicated links
  • SfProductCard: add to cart button position depends on color prop

🧹 Chores:

  • docs: fix events in docs tab - add descriptions and complete lacking events


09 Nov 12:07
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🐛 Fixes

  • SfTextarea: minlength and maxlength default values changed to null
  • SfSelect: add label attribute to placeholder element to avoid a11y issues,
  • SfBadge, SfChevron, SfImage, SfBanner, SfHero, SfFooter, Home, SfProductCard: divs inside buttons changed on allowed elements
  • SfInput: v-if for label element and id on input without whitespace
  • SfQuantitySelector: name attribute added
  • SfButton: link default value changed to null

🧹 Chores:

  • docs: fix discord invitation links
  • docs(Become a Contributor): fix typos, links, grammar
  • SfRadio, SfCheckbox: replaced divs with span for a11y reasons
  • docs: add new addon with css vars list