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bmatzelle edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 1 revision

Vuzit.OptionList class

Class for handling optional parameters for methods. These options can then be directly applied to the web service parameters.


Properties for the class.

  • int Count : Returns the number of items in the list.
  • ICollection Keys : Returns the list of keys from the list.
  • string this[key] : Returns the value of the key.


Methods for the class.

  • public OptionList Add(string key, string value)
  • public OptionList Add(string key, int value)
  • public OptionList Add(string key, bool value)
  • public bool Contains(string key)


Parameters for the methods of this class.

  • string key : The name of a key.
  • string value : String value for the key.
  • bool value : Boolean value for the key.
  • int value : Integer value for the key.

Usage Examples

Example that sets the “secure” and “file_type” options for the document.

// The following upload command and all subsequent commands will be executed under SSL
Vuzit.Document doc = Vuzit.Document.Upload(@"c:\path\to\document.pdf", new OptionList()
                                                                   .Add("secure", true)
                                                                   .Add("file_type", "pdf"));  
Console.WriteLine("Document id: {0}", doc.Id);