This device is a simple implementation of Atmel JTAG ICE clone. Original source.
In schematic author made mistake that explained in article, but schematic image was not fixed. I tried to communicate with him, but did not get response. In any case, my schematic is correct. Besides, I used USB 2.0 interface (FT232 IC) instead of RS-232 for communicating with PC.
There are three LEDs on case:
* Red (solid) Power is on (USB plugged in)
* Green (blink) Data is being transmitted to target (debug) device
* Yellow (blink) Data is being received from target (debug) device
datasheets/ Datasheets of essential ICs
eagle/ PCB design files (Eagle 6 CAD)
eagle/JTAG-ICE-mkI-clone.eps Layout for PCB manufacturing
case-sticker.svg Sticker image for case
firmware.hex Firmware for burning to MCU This file
Instruction of assembling and setting is can found in original source.