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Protoypes with data dash

Lisa Seeman edited this page Mar 11, 2019 · 14 revisions

This page is for prototyping syntax from

with "data-attribute"

Note that use cases are fully described at

Use with different alternative text

This option has +1 from Lisa Charles Janina

  • <span data-alt-numberfree="most">92%</span>
  • <h1 data-alt-easylang="form to ask for money if you have a disability or if you are ill">Disability claims under CD 356 / US </h1>


  • <span data-numberfree="most">92%</span>
  • <h1 data-easylang="form to ask for money if you have a disability or if you are ill">Disability claims under CD 356 / US </h1>

(I like this less as it is less clear what it is)

Use with symbol

  • <img data-map-symbol="" href="mysymb.bmp">


  • <img data-alteritve-symbol="" href="mysymb.bmp">


  • <img data-purpose-symbol="" href="mysymb.bmp"> or

  • <img data-purpose="" href="mysymb.bmp"> (overloaded?)


(I believe the src attribute is required on the img tag)

<img src="" data-alternative-symbol="" alt="">

Use with field, destination and action (purpose)

Note: there is a type in 3.1 - Semantic Contents Module - should be field vs filed. I will open an issue as well.

  • <label> data-field="name">your name</label> or

  • <label data-purpose-field="name">your name</label>


  • <label data-purpose="fieldName">your name</label> (i dislike this - it is overloaded or how the data- is used in the field)


  • <label data-purpose="Name">your name</label> (i dislike this the most - it is overloaded and authors will put the name attribute on the wrong type of thing)

  • <button data-action="undo">Revert</button>

  • <a href="home.html" data-destination="home page">our main page</a>

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