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Customizing Appliance

Piotr Oniszczuk edited this page Apr 26, 2022 · 3 revisions


Basic customization of MiniMyth2 MythTV frontend appliance usually is addressing following areas:

  • Adding favorite theme
  • Modifying minimyth.config file holding customize Minimyth2 settings
  • Adding AirPlay RAOP certificate
  • Adding Wunderground certificate

How MiniMyth2 gets it's config files

MiniMyth2 seeks (and reads if found) external config and resource files in following order:

  1. conf-ro dir on TFTP server: <root dir on TFTP server>/conf/<fe_host_name>/
  2. default configs dir on TFTP server: <root dit on TFTP server>/conf/default/
  3. /BOOT partition on SD card / USB key

You can freely mix destinations of storing of various config / resource files. i.e. You can store custom minimyth.conf on SD card, while theme.sfs on conf-ro dir on TFTP server.

Adding Your favorite theme

  1. Download MiniMyth2 theme archive or prepare Your own theme .sfs archive.
  2. Store it on TFTP server in conf-ro or in default dir or on /BOOT partition on SD card. i.e. for default dir you can:
  • sudo mkdir /var/lib/tftpboot/PXEclient/conf/default/themes
  • cp <theme>.sfs /var/lib/tftpboot/PXEclient/conf/default/themes/Default.sfs

Create main Minimyth2 appliance settings file

  1. Download vanilla minimyth.conf file
  2. Edit minimyth.conf accordingly to Your needs
  3. Store it on TFTP server in conf-ro or in default dir or on /BOOT partition on SD card. i.e. for default dir you can:
  • cp minimyth.conf /var/lib/tftpboot/PXEclient/conf/<fe_host_name>/ Customization will work after next boot of appliance

Adding AirPlay RAOP certificate

  1. Find on Internet and download RAOPkey.rsa file
  2. cp RAOPkey.rsa /var/lib/tftpboot/PXEclient/conf/<fe_host_name>/
  3. Enable/uncomment in minimyth.conf MM_AIRPLAY_ENABLED=‘yes’
  4. Customization will work after next boot of appliance


  1. Generate certificate on Wunderground site. Create file named wunderground.key and copy certificate in this file
  2. cp wunderground.key /var/lib/tftpboot/PXEclient/conf/<fe_host_name>/
  3. Enable/uncomment in minimyth.conf MM_WUNDERGROUND_KEY=‘yes’
  4. Customization will work after next boot of appliance