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Setting up On line updates feature

Piotr Oniszczuk edited this page Nov 2, 2022 · 5 revisions


On-line updates system works with concept of rsync daemon running on public server providing updated files to MiniMyth2 appliances. Selection of rsync was because:

  • it can do incremental updates (only changed files are transferred)
  • transfer of changed files is using compression (to save bandwidth)

Updates from my (developer of MiniMyth2) private server

With this concept - you can periodically update MiniMyth2 to current most actual version over Internet. To do this you have 2 options:

option1: use option in GUI

Setup/System Maintenance/System Updates/Check for updates (if you are using Default menu scheme)

Advanced/Maintenance/System Updates/Check for updates (if you are using Media Centre Menu scheme)

option2: log to device via telnet

run mm_do_online_update to check are there any updates

run mm_do_online_update doupdate to update then



Updates from GAR system hosted by You

For operation there is need to have rsync daemon running in chroot mode on public server. Files for on-line updates are provided by MiniMyth2 GAR build system.

Content for on-line updates is prepared by MiniMyth2 GAR build system if mm_INSTALL_ONLINE_UPDATES is set to 'yes'. Location of on-line updates is defined by mm_ONLINE_UPDATES variable. This location should be available at root location of module mm2-updates at rsync daemon running on remote server. Example of URL: MM_MINIMYTH_ONLINE_UPDATES_URL=''


Example of rsyncd.conf file for rsync daemon running on public on-line updates server:

port = 7135
use chroot = yes
list = no
path = <server path to place where GAR build system puts files pointed by mm_ONLINE_UPDATES>
read only = true