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An extremely lightweight MySQL proxy server. SQL writes to DB are logged. Supports conditional AES symmetric key encryption of fields.


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An extremely lightweight MySQL proxy server. SQL writes to DB are logged. Supports conditional AES symmetric key encryption of fields.


npm install --global @warren-bank/node-mysql-proxy


mysql-proxy <options>


    Print a help message describing all command-line options.

    Print the version number.

    Prints runtime debug information.
      * queries after encryption
      * results after decryption

"--proxy-port" <port>
    Proxy server port number.
    Default: 33306

"--proxy-protocol" <network-protocol>
    Proxy server network protocol.
    Options: "mysql", "http", "https"
    Default: "mysql"
      * "mysql" proxy server:
        - requires a mysql client or "driver"
          ex: mysql --port 33306
      * "http" and "https" proxy servers:
        - requires a http/s client
          ex: echo -e 'SELECT * FROM db_name.table_name;' | curl -X POST --data-binary @- 'http://localhost:33306/'

"--db-host" <host>
    MySQL server host.
    Default: "localhost"

"--db-port" <port>
    MySQL server port number.
    Default: 3306

"--db-user" <username>
    MySQL server user.
    Default: "root"

"--db-password" <password>
    MySQL server password.
    Default: ""

"-p" <max_connections>
"--pool" <max_connections>
    Maximum number of open MySQL server connections to hold in pool.
    Default: 10

    Modifies connection pool management behavior.
    Default: each individual query obtains a db connection that is immediately released.
    Altered: each HTTP/S request or MySQL client session obtains a single db connection.
             this connection is held for the duration of that session,
             and all queries pass through it.
      * it is more efficient to not enable this option
      * regarding a single HTTP/S request:
        - the POST data can contain several queries
        - the proxy will split them apart (on ';' characters)
        - each query is run individually and sequentially
        - even when a single db connection is not held by the session,
          all individual queries will still be run sequentially

"--logs-dir" </path/to/output/.sql/file/logs>
    Path to directory into which SQL write statements
        will be written to output log files.
    Default: </path/to/node-mysql-proxy/.data/logs>

"--encrypt-fields" <regex>
    Table field names/aliases that match this regular expression
        will have the corresponding value:
          * encrypted before it is sent to MySQL server
          * decrypted after it is retrieved from MySQL server
    Default: "ENCRYPT_\d+"
      * case sensitive

"--encrypt-secret" </path/to/input/secret/file.txt>
    Path to text file that contains the "secret" used by AES
    for symmetric key encryption of field names/aliases that match
    the "--encrypt-fields" regex.
    Default: </path/to/node-mysql-proxy/.data/secret.txt>
      * if "--encrypt-fields" is specified:
        - file must exist
        - file must not be empty
          * for convenience, empty file is provided at default path
      * for best results:
        - the "secret" should be 245 characters long
        - each character is 1-byte ascii in the decimal range: 0-127


use case:

  • you want to write an app/service that requires a database layer
  • you want to use a low-cost shared database
    • or replicate the data across several such low-cost shared databases
  • you don't trust the company that hosts the database server(s) to not steal/misuse your data
  • you want to encrypt certain fields in the database
    • the data is encrypted before it is sent to the server
    • the data is decrypted after it is retrieved from the server

how it works:

  • all queries are rewritten as they pass through the proxy, such that:
    • in SELECT statements:
      • in each request:
        • fields that are assigned a literal string value are conditionally encrypted when the field is given an alias that matches the --encrypt-fields regex
        • values in WHERE clauses are conditionally encrypted when the field is given an alias that matches the --encrypt-fields regex
      • in each response:
        • values are conditionally decrypted when the field is given an alias that matches the --encrypt-fields regex
      • example:
        • SELECT "foo" as ENCRYPT_001, "bar" as ENCRYPT_002, "baz" as ENCRYPT_003;
        • SELECT field_1 as ENCRYPT_001, field_2 as ENCRYPT_002, field_3 as ENCRYPT_003 FROM table_1;
        • SELECT * FROM (SELECT field_1 as ENCRYPT_001, field_2 as ENCRYPT_002, field_3 as ENCRYPT_003 FROM table_1) as crypto WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(ENCRYPT_001) = 24 AND ENCRYPT_001 = "foo";
    • in INSERT ... SELECT statements:
      • example:
        • INSERT into table_1 (field_1, field_2, field_3) SELECT "foo" as ENCRYPT_001, "bar" as ENCRYPT_002, "baz" as ENCRYPT_003;
      • written to log file:
          -- 1570783565067
          -- INSERT into table_1 (field_1, field_2, field_3) SELECT "foo" as ENCRYPT_001, "bar" as ENCRYPT_002, "baz" as ENCRYPT_003;
             INSERT into table_1 (field_1, field_2, field_3) SELECT "rEaqocFLxO2K0V13lweg4Q==" as ENCRYPT_001, "QgLALzZQeE+nSjMfoZkoJQ==" as ENCRYPT_002, "58WZ9otn/F98C4UfZPubrQ==" as ENCRYPT_003;

additional thoughts/comments:

  • this proxy does not support the following features:
    • replicate writes to multiple databases
    • manage permissions or access control
  • this proxy does not attempt to:
    • pool connections to more than one database server
    • pool connections belonging to more than one user
  • this proxy can be combined with other software:
    • example:
      • app > mysql-proxy > ProxySQL > multiple "master" databases
    • ProxySQL
      • reads are load balanced:
        • one database is chosen at random
      • writes are replicated:
        • all databases are updated
    • access control could either be implemented:
      • at the app layer
        • mysql-proxy connects to database as root
        • mysql-proxy can only be accessed by app
        • app performs user registration and login validation
        • app contains business logic that is responsible for reading and writing to database via mysql-proxy
      • at the database layer
        • more than one instance of mysql-proxy is started
        • each instance:
          • listens on a unique port
          • connects to database as a unique user
        • example:
          • one particular instance of the proxy connects to database as a user having very limited read-only permissions
            • the firewall allows this port to be accessed from the outside world
            • client-side javascript can send XHR requests directly to this instance of mysql-proxy


  • mysql2 by Andrey Sidorov
    • does absolutely all of the heavy lifting RE: MySQL
  • CryptoJS
    • does absolutely all of the heavy lifting RE: AES symmetric key encryption



An extremely lightweight MySQL proxy server. SQL writes to DB are logged. Supports conditional AES symmetric key encryption of fields.







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