yarn add @wayrunner/redux-action-creator
Create a new action creator:
import {createActionCreator} from "@wayrunner/redux-action-creator";
const fetchData = createActionCreator('FETCH_DATA')
fetchData(1) // -> { type: 'FETCH_DATA' }
const add = createActionCreator('ADD', 'toAdd')
add(1) // -> { type: 'ADD', toAdd: 1 }
const add2 = createActionCreator('ADD2', ['a','b'])
add2(3,4) // -> { type: 'ADD', a: 3, b:4 }
const multiply = createActionCreator('MULTIPLY', (times=1) => {times})
multiply() // -> { type: 'ADD', times: 1 }
export const subtract = createActionCreator('SUBTRACT', 'x', ($$state, action) => {
return {
value: $$state.value - action.x
The type can be accessed with: multiply.type
Can use the same argument mappings as createActionCreator
. All arguments part of the mapping will be assigned to the state by the reducer.
import {createAssignmentCreator} from "@wayrunner/redux-action-creator";
export const setValue = createAssignmentCreator('SET_VALUE', 'value')
Create a new action creator:
import {createActionReducer} from "@wayrunner/redux-action-creator";
import * as actions from './actions'
const reducer = createActionReducer(actions, {value: 0}) // Or createActionReducer([actions.setValue, actions.subtract])
reducer(undefined, actions.subtract(2)) // -> { value: -2 }
reducer({value: 10}, actions.setValue(20)) // -> { value: 20 }
Can be used to automatically add actions to props
import {createMapDispatchToProps} from "@wayrunner/redux-action-creator";
import {subtract, setValue} from './actions'
const mapDispatchToProps = createMapDispatchToProps({
subtractValue: subtract,