This repo contains the source code for Iceberg, a Python library that implements two methods for estimating the true size of a population given a collection of samples taken without replacement. For more details on how icebergs can be musicological, and what such objects have to do with estimating population size, see Michael Scott Cuthbert, "Tipping the Iceberg: Missing Italian Polyphony from the Age of Schism," Musica Disciplina 54 (2009): 39–74.
You can install Iceberg from the command line, just like any other Python library.
$ pip install iceberg-est
Once installed, you can use the functionality by importing the relevant modules.
import iceberg.estimate as est
import iceberg.simulate as sim
contains the Python library, including two modulesiceberg.estimate
exposes functions that implement the estimation algorithmsiceberg.simulate
exposes functions that simulate situations illustrating the functionality of the estimation algorithms
contains descriptions of the estimation algorithms, examples of their use, and comparisons of their effectiveness