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This is an open dataset of demoscene productions, which could be filtered to individual countries, themes, or platforms, which could be of interest from an art-history perspective to complement our UNESCO digital heritage application - or just be used to introduce people to the history of the 'scene.

The format of this repository is a Data Package aimed at making the demoscene more accessible to people who may have never heard about it (:wave: hello #GLAMhack!)

🚧 Under construction 🚧



Instructions: Accessible data files (ideally in simple data formats such as CSV, JSON and GeoJSON), as well as the raw data, are placed in the data folder. In this section you should mention the files and formats included. It is good to suggest purposes for this data, such as example applications or use cases. Include any relevant background, contact points, and links that may help people to use this data. You can find examples of this at or, and further tips at and

An initial excerpt made out of Demozoo data has been added to the data folder. We are working on merging this with Pouët, and investigating also other scene data sources. Please see the notes in our scratch pad or our discussion on Slack for details.


Instructions: describe here where you obtained the data, how it was created, where and how it was extracted, and any transformation steps that took place during publication. Link to the sources, as well as to any tools that were used. If you used any scripts to extract and convert the data, add them to a script folder in your repository.

The data in this repository was produced by importing the latest archival dump into a local PostgreSQL database, like this:

docker run --name postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=sceners -e POSTGRES_USER=admin -e POSTGRES_DB=demozoo -d postgres:alpine
gunzip -c demozoo-export.sql.gz | psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U admin demozoo
# Enter the password when prompted: sceners

There are lots of utilities for converting Postgres tables to CSV. I used db-to-sqlite to first create a SQLite database, poke around the data model, and export the tables.

Then we used the Frictionless Data create tool to generate the datapackage.json. Geting it to validate and preview still needs more work. For now, we're focusing on a simple service to compose time series and other queries.


This repository contains a minimalist backend service API based on the Falcon framework and Pandas DataPackage Reader. To run:

virtualenv env                   # .. or use pipenv
. env/bin/activate               # == pipenv shell
pip install -Ur requirements.txt # == pipenv install

At this point you should see the message "Serving on port..." Test the API using a REST client such as RESTer with queries such as:


You can provide a (precise) search string by appending a parameter with the name of the field. Or put the field name into the sort parameter to change the order (optionally add reverse). There is also a random and lucky parameter.

Adjust the amount of output with a page and per_page parameter in your query.

For example, to show the latest Commodore 64 productions:



This Data Package is made available by its maintainers under the Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0, a copy of the full text of which is in

Any code contained here is released under WTFPL.