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chore(ui): update all non-major dependencies (#131)
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[![Mend Renovate](](

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [@babel/core]( ([source]( | [`7.20.7` -> `7.20.12`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@mantine/carousel]( | [`5.9.5` -> `5.10.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@mantine/core]( ([source]( | [`5.9.5` -> `5.10.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@mantine/dates]( ([source]( | [`5.9.5` -> `5.10.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@mantine/dropzone]( ([source]( | [`5.9.5` -> `5.10.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@mantine/form]( ([source]( | [`5.9.5` -> `5.10.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@mantine/hooks]( ([source]( | [`5.9.5` -> `5.10.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@mantine/modals]( ([source]( | [`5.9.5` -> `5.10.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@mantine/next]( ([source]( | [`5.9.5` -> `5.10.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@mantine/notifications]( ([source]( | [`5.9.5` -> `5.10.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@mantine/nprogress]( ([source]( | [`5.9.5` -> `5.10.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@mantine/prism]( ([source]( | [`5.9.5` -> `5.10.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@mantine/spotlight]( ([source]( | [`5.9.5` -> `5.10.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@mantine/tiptap]( ([source]( | [`5.9.5` -> `5.10.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@prisma/client]( ([source]( | [`4.8.0` -> `4.8.1`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@tanstack/react-query]( ([source]( | [`4.20.4` -> `4.20.9`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@types/luxon]( ([source]( | [`3.1.0` -> `3.2.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( | [`5.47.1` -> `5.48.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [@typescript-eslint/parser]( | [`5.47.1` -> `5.48.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [aws-sdk]( | [`2.1285.0` -> `2.1289.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [babel-loader]( | [`9.1.0` -> `9.1.2`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [eslint]( ([source]( | [`8.30.0` -> `8.31.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [eslint-config-prettier]( | [`8.5.0` -> `8.6.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [eslint-plugin-codegen]( | [`0.16.1` -> `0.17.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [eslint-plugin-codegen]( | [`^0.16.1` -> `^0.16.1 \|\| ^0.17.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [husky]( ([source]( | [`8.0.2` -> `8.0.3`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [i18next]( ([source]( | [`22.4.6` -> `22.4.8`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [luxon]( | [`3.2.0` -> `3.2.1`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [next-i18next]( | [`13.0.2` -> `13.0.3`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [pnpm]( ([source]( | [`7.21.0` -> `7.22.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [prisma]( ([source]( | [`4.8.0` -> `4.8.1`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [quicktype-core]( | [`6.1.0` -> `6.1.12`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [type-fest]( | [`3.5.0` -> `3.5.1`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |
| [zod-prisma-types]( | [`1.5.3` -> `1.6.2`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( |


### Release Notes


### [`v7.20.12`](

[Compare Source](

##### :bug: Bug Fix

-   `babel-traverse`
    -   [#&#8203;15224]( Fix `TaggedTemplateLiteral` evaluation ([@&#8203;nmn](
-   `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`
    -   [#&#8203;15312]( fix: `delete this` in static class properties initialization ([@&#8203;SuperSodaSea](

##### :nail_care: Polish

-   `babel-traverse`
    -   [#&#8203;15313]( Implement support for evaluating computed properties. ([@&#8203;JBYoshi](



### [`v5.10.0`](

[Compare Source](

[View changelog with demos on Mantine website](

##### Theme based default props

[Default props]( on [MantineProvider](
can now subscribe to [theme](

import { MantineProvider, Button } from '@&#8203;mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
        components: {
          Button: {
            defaultProps: (theme) => ({
              color: theme.colorScheme === 'dark' ? 'orange' : 'cyan',
      <Button>Demo button</Button>

##### [@&#8203;mantine/form]( validators

`@mantine/form` package now exports `isNotEmpty`, `isEmail`, `matches`, `isInRange` and `hasLength` functions
to simplify validation of common fields types:

import { useForm, isNotEmpty, isEmail, isInRange, hasLength, matches } from '@&#8203;mantine/form';
import { Button, Group, TextInput, NumberInput, Box } from '@&#8203;mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const form = useForm({
    initialValues: {
      name: '',
      job: '',
      email: '',
      favoriteColor: '',
      age: 18,

    validate: {
      name: hasLength({ min: 2, max: 10 }, 'Name must be 2-22 characters long'),
      job: isNotEmpty('Enter your current job'),
      email: isEmail('Invalid email'),
      favoriteColor: matches(/^#([0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$/, 'Enter a valid hex color'),
      age: isInRange({ min: 18, max: 99 }, 'You must be 18-99 years old to register'),

  return (
    <Box component="form" maw={400} mx="auto" onSubmit={form.onSubmit(() => {})}>
      <TextInput label="Name" placeholder="Name" withAsterisk {...form.getInputProps('name')} />
        label="Your job"
        placeholder="Your job"
        label="Your email"
        placeholder="Your email"
        label="Your favorite color"
        placeholder="Your favorite color"
        label="Your age"
        placeholder="Your age"

      <Group position="right" mt="md">
        <Button type="submit">Submit</Button>

##### Flagpack extension

New [mantine-flagpack]( extension. It is a set of 4x3 flags as React components based on [flagpack](
The package is tree shakable – all unused components are not included in the production bundle.
All flag components support [style props](

##### Other changes

-   [ColorPicker]( component now supports `onColorSwatchClick` prop
-   [ColorInput]( now supports `closeOnColorSwatchClick` prop
-   [ColorInput]( now shows eye dropper in all supported browsers by default
-   [@&#8203;mantine/form]( now exports `TransformedValues` type to get type of transformed values from the form object
-   [RingProgress]( now supports changing root segment color with `rootColor` prop
-   [Text]( component now supports `truncate` prop
-   [Stepper]( component now supports `allowSelectNextSteps` prop
-   [@&#8203;mantine/form]( now exports `superstructResolver` to allow schema based validation with [superstruct](
-   [FileInput]( and [FileButton]( components now support `capture` prop

##### New Contributors

-   [@&#8203;sctape]( made their first contribution in [](
-   [@&#8203;paulm17]( made their first contribution in [](
-   [@&#8203;ahmedDev20]( made their first contribution in [](
-   [@&#8203;dmshvetsov]( made their first contribution in [](

**Full Changelog**:

### [`v5.9.6`](

[Compare Source](

##### What's Changed

-   `[@mantine/spotlight]` Allow overriding search input size ([#&#8203;3181](
-   `[@mantine/core]` Tooltip: Fix incorrect Tooltip.Floating Styles API name
-   `[@mantine/core]` ScrollArea: Add viewportProps support
-   `[@mantine/core]` Title: Remove `span` prop

##### New Contributors

-   [@&#8203;bissbr01]( made their first contribution in [](
-   [@&#8203;marvin-j97]( made their first contribution in [](
-   [@&#8203;Strajk]( made their first contribution in [](

**Full Changelog**:



### [`v4.8.1`](

[Compare Source](

Today, we are issuing the `4.8.1` patch release.

##### Fixe in Prisma Client

-   [Prisma 4.8 produces conflicting typescript types for custom many to many relations](



### [`v4.20.9`](

[Compare Source](

Version 4.20.9 - 1/4/2023, 8:30 AM

##### Changes

##### Fix

-   query-core: allow multiple roots to share same QueryClient ([#&#8203;4636]( ([`05a61b1`]( by [@&#8203;appden](

##### Docs

-   Add `reactotron-react-query` plugin ([#&#8203;4744]( ([`70ddaa9`]( by Hasan
-   vue-query: fix vue-query imports in docs, correct section replacements ([#&#8203;4728]( ([`fa04a1d`]( by Damian Osipiuk
-   fix reference to course ([`afbd788`]( by Dominik Dorfmeister

##### Other

-   Update ([`cf1846e`]( by Tanner Linsley
-   fix: solid-query: Revert breaking build ([#&#8203;4733]( ([`17afa9b`]( by [@&#8203;ardeora](
-   add Moshyfawn as a contributor for code ([#&#8203;4731]( ([`7d3f803`]( by allcontributors\[bot]

##### Packages

-   [@&#8203;tanstack/query-core]([@&#8203;4](
-   [@&#8203;tanstack/query-persist-client-core]([@&#8203;4](
-   [@&#8203;tanstack/query-async-storage-persister]([@&#8203;4](
-   [@&#8203;tanstack/query-broadcast-client-experimental]([@&#8203;4](
-   [@&#8203;tanstack/query-sync-storage-persister]([@&#8203;4](
-   [@&#8203;tanstack/react-query]([@&#8203;4](
-   [@&#8203;tanstack/react-query-devtools]([@&#8203;4](
-   [@&#8203;tanstack/react-query-persist-client]([@&#8203;4](
-   [@&#8203;tanstack/solid-query]([@&#8203;4](
-   [@&#8203;tanstack/vue-query]([@&#8203;4](
-   [@&#8203;tanstack/eslint-plugin-query]([@&#8203;4](


<summary>typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@&#8203;typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin)</summary>

### [`v5.48.0`](;5480-httpsgithubcomtypescript-eslinttypescript-eslintcomparev5471v5480-2023-01-02)

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **eslint-plugin:** specify which method is unbound and added test case ([#&#8203;6281]( ([cf3ffdd](

#### [5.47.1]( (2022-12-26)

##### Bug Fixes

-   **ast-spec:** correct some incorrect ast types ([#&#8203;6257]( ([0f3f645](
-   **eslint-plugin:** \[member-ordering] correctly invert optionalityOrder ([#&#8203;6256]( ([ccd45d4](


<summary>typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@&#8203;typescript-eslint/parser)</summary>

### [`v5.48.0`](;5480-httpsgithubcomtypescript-eslinttypescript-eslintcomparev5471v5480-2023-01-02)

[Compare Source](

**Note:** Version bump only for package [@&#8203;typescript-eslint/parser](

#### [5.47.1]( (2022-12-26)

**Note:** Version bump only for package [@&#8203;typescript-eslint/parser](



### [`v2.1289.0`](;212890)

[Compare Source](

-   feature: AmplifyBackend: Updated GetBackendAPIModels response to include ModelIntrospectionSchema json string
-   feature: AppRunner: This release adds support of securely referencing secrets and configuration data that are stored in Secrets Manager and SSM Parameter Store by adding them as environment secrets in your App Runner service.
-   feature: Connect: Documentation update for a new Initiation Method value in DescribeContact API
-   feature: EMRServerless: Adds support for customized images. You can now provide runtime images when creating or updating EMR Serverless Applications.
-   feature: RDS: This release adds support for specifying which certificate authority (CA) to use for a DB instance's server certificate during DB instance creation, as well as other CA enhancements.

### [`v2.1288.0`](;212880)

[Compare Source](

-   feature: ApplicationAutoScaling: Customers can now use the existing DescribeScalingActivities API to also see the detailed and machine-readable reasons for Application Auto Scaling not scaling their resources and, if needed, take the necessary corrective actions.
-   feature: SSM: Adding support for QuickSetup Document Type in Systems Manager

### [`v2.1287.0`](;212870)

[Compare Source](

-   feature: SecurityLake: Allow CreateSubscriber API to take string input that allows setting more descriptive SubscriberDescription field. Make souceTypes field required in model level for UpdateSubscriberRequest as it is required for every API call on the backend. Allow ListSubscribers take any String as nextToken param.

### [`v2.1286.0`](;212860)

[Compare Source](

-   feature: CloudFront: Extend response headers policy to support removing headers from viewer responses



### [`v9.1.2`](

[Compare Source](

9.1.1 was a broken release, it didn't include all the commits.

#### Dependencies updates

-   Bump qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 by [@&#8203;dependabot]( in [](
-   Bump json5 from 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 by [@&#8203;dependabot]( in [](

#### Misc

-   GitHub Workflows security hardening by [@&#8203;sashashura]( in [](

#### New Contributors

-   [@&#8203;sashashura]( made their first contribution in [](

**Full Changelog**:

### [`v9.1.1`](

[Compare Source](



### [`v8.31.0`](

[Compare Source](

#### Features

-   [`52c7c73`]( feat: check assignment patterns in no-underscore-dangle ([#&#8203;16693]( (Milos Djermanovic)
-   [`b401cde`]( feat: add options to check destructuring in no-underscore-dangle ([#&#8203;16006]( (Morten Kaltoft)
-   [`30d0daf`]( feat: group properties with values in parentheses in `key-spacing` ([#&#8203;16677]( (Francesco Trotta)

#### Bug Fixes

-   [`35439f1`]( fix: correct syntax error in `prefer-arrow-callback` autofix ([#&#8203;16722]( (Francesco Trotta)
-   [`87b2470`]( fix: new instance of FlatESLint should load latest config file version ([#&#8203;16608]( (Milos Djermanovic)

#### Documentation

-   [`4339dc4`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
-   [`4e4049c`]( docs: optimize code block structure ([#&#8203;16669]( (Sam Chen)
-   [`54a7ade`]( docs: do not escape code blocks of formatters examples ([#&#8203;16719]( (Sam Chen)
-   [`e5ecfef`]( docs: Add function call example for no-undefined ([#&#8203;16712]( (Elliot Huffman)
-   [`a3262f0`]( docs: Add mastodon link ([#&#8203;16638]( (Amaresh  S M)
-   [`a14ccf9`]( docs: clarify files property ([#&#8203;16709]( (Sam Chen)
-   [`3b29eb1`]( docs: fix npm link ([#&#8203;16710]( (Abdullah Osama)
-   [`a638673`]( docs: fix search bar focus on `Esc` ([#&#8203;16700]( (Shanmughapriyan S)
-   [`f62b722`]( docs: country flag missing in windows ([#&#8203;16698]( (Shanmughapriyan S)
-   [`4d27ec6`]( docs: display zh-hans in the docs language switcher ([#&#8203;16686]( (Percy Ma)
-   [`8bda20e`]( docs: remove manually maintained anchors ([#&#8203;16685]( (Percy Ma)
-   [`b68440f`]( docs: User Guide Getting Started expansion ([#&#8203;16596]( (Ben Perlmutter)

#### Chores

-   [`65d4e24`]( chore: Upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/eslintrc]([@&#8203;1]( ([#&#8203;16729]( (Brandon Mills)
-   [`8d93081`]( chore: fix CI failure ([#&#8203;16721]( (Sam Chen)
-   [`8f17247`]( chore: Set up automatic updating of README ([#&#8203;16717]( (Nicholas C. Zakas)
-   [`4cd87cb`]( ci: bump actions/stale from 6 to 7 ([#&#8203;16713]( (dependabot\[bot])
-   [`fd20c75`]( chore: sort package.json scripts in alphabetical order ([#&#8203;16705]( (Darius Dzien)
-   [`10a5c78`]( chore: update ignore patterns in `eslint.config.js` ([#&#8203;16678]( (Milos Djermanovic)



### [`v8.6.0`](

[Compare Source](

-   Added: \[vue/multiline-ternary]. Thanks to [@&#8203;xcatliu](!



### [`v0.17.0`](

-   port from mmkal/ts  [`9873893`](



### [`v8.0.3`](

[Compare Source](

-   fix: add git not installed message [#&#8203;1208](



### [`v22.4.8`](;2248)

[Compare Source](

-   fix: nested interpolation with data model "replace"

### [`v22.4.7`](;2247)

[Compare Source](

-   fix: interpolation with data model "replace"



### [`v3.2.1`](

[Compare Source](



### [`v13.0.3`](;1303)

[Compare Source](

-   Error if custom localeStructure provided, but no ns option defined.



### [`v7.22.0`](

[Compare Source](

#### Minor Changes

-   The `pnpm list` and `pnpm why` commands will now look through transitive dependencies of `workspace:` packages. A new `--only-projects` flag is available to only print `workspace:` packages.
-   `pnpm exec` and `pnpm run` command support `--resume-from` option. When used, the command will executed from given package [#&#8203;4690](
-   Expose the `npm_command` environment variable to lifecycle hooks & scripts.

#### Patch Changes

-   Fix a situation where `pnpm list` and `pnpm why` may not respect the `--depth` argument.
-   Report to the console when a git-hosted dependency is built [#&#8203;5847](
-   Throw an accurate error message when trying to install a package that has no versions, or all of its versions are unpublished [#&#8203;5849](
-   replace dependency `is-ci` by `ci-info` (`is-ci` is just a simple wrapper around `ci-info`).
-   Only run prepublish scripts of git-hosted dependencies, if the dependency doesn't have a main file. In this case we can assume that the dependencies has to be built.
-   Print more contextual information when a git-hosted package fails to be prepared for installation [#&#8203;5847](

#### Our Gold Sponsors

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### [`v6.1.12`](

[Compare Source](

### [`v6.1.11`](

[Compare Source](

### [`v6.1.10`](

[Compare Source](

### [`v6.1.9`](

[Compare Source](

### [`v6.1.8`](

[Compare Source](

### [`v6.1.7`](

[Compare Source](

### [`v6.1.6`](

[Compare Source](

### [`v6.1.5`](

[Compare Source](

### [`v6.1.4`](

[Compare Source](

### [`v6.1.3`](

[Compare Source](



### Configuration

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This PR has been generated by [Mend Renovate]( View repository job log [here](

Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
kodiakhq[bot] and renovate[bot] committed Jan 5, 2023
2 parents daf2db6 + cc04218 commit 9a809ab
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 12 changed files with 1,030 additions and 1,132 deletions.
40 changes: 20 additions & 20 deletions apps/app/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,20 +21,20 @@
"@crowdin/ota-client": "0.7.0",
"@emotion/react": "11.10.5",
"@emotion/server": "11.10.0",
"@mantine/carousel": "5.9.5",
"@mantine/core": "5.9.5",
"@mantine/dates": "5.9.5",
"@mantine/dropzone": "5.9.5",
"@mantine/form": "5.9.5",
"@mantine/hooks": "5.9.5",
"@mantine/modals": "5.9.5",
"@mantine/next": "5.9.5",
"@mantine/notifications": "5.9.5",
"@mantine/nprogress": "5.9.5",
"@mantine/prism": "5.9.5",
"@mantine/spotlight": "5.9.5",
"@mantine/tiptap": "5.9.5",
"@tanstack/react-query": "4.20.4",
"@mantine/carousel": "5.10.0",
"@mantine/core": "5.10.0",
"@mantine/dates": "5.10.0",
"@mantine/dropzone": "5.10.0",
"@mantine/form": "5.10.0",
"@mantine/hooks": "5.10.0",
"@mantine/modals": "5.10.0",
"@mantine/next": "5.10.0",
"@mantine/notifications": "5.10.0",
"@mantine/nprogress": "5.10.0",
"@mantine/prism": "5.10.0",
"@mantine/spotlight": "5.10.0",
"@mantine/tiptap": "5.10.0",
"@tanstack/react-query": "4.20.9",
"@tiptap/extension-link": "2.0.0-beta.209",
"@tiptap/react": "2.0.0-beta.209",
"@tiptap/starter-kit": "2.0.0-beta.209",
Expand All @@ -50,10 +50,10 @@
"dayjs": "1.11.7",
"embla-carousel-react": "7.0.5",
"feather-icons-react": "0.6.2",
"i18next": "22.4.6",
"i18next": "22.4.8",
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0 comments on commit 9a809ab

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