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Jaime Agudo edited this page Feb 11, 2014 · 17 revisions

Routes in Compojure look something like this:

(GET "/user/:id" [id]
  (str "<h1>Hello user " id "</h1>"))

Routes return Ring handler functions. Despite their syntax, there’s nothing magical about them. They just provide a concise way of defining functions to handle HTTP requests.

Matching the HTTP method

Let’s unravel the syntax. The first symbol is:


This is one of several route macros Compojure provides. This macro tests the HTTP request method, and if the method is not "GET", the function returns nil.

Other route macros you can use are POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH and HEAD. If you want to match any HTTP method, use the ANY macro.

Matching the URI

Next is:


This is a string that uses the routing syntax defined by Clout. It has a lot in common with the routing syntax used in Ruby on Rails and Sinatra.

It matches against the URI of the request. The :id part will match any sub-path up to the next "/" or ".", and puts the results in the "id" parameter.

If we wanted to be more specific, we could also define a custom regular expression for this parameter:

["/user/:id", :id #"[0-9]+"]

Like the HTTP method, if the URI does not match the defined path, the route function will return nil.

Destructuring the request

After the HTTP method and the URI have been matched:


The second argument to the macro provides a way of retrieving information from the request map. This can either be a vector of parameters you want, or a full Clojure destructuring form.

In other words, the above syntax binds the symbol id to the “id” parameter in the request map, which in this case was populated by the Clout route string. We could also use a standard Clojure destructuring form:

 {{id :id} :params}

This provides more control, but is less succinct than the vector syntax.

Returning a response

Once the HTTP request has been matched and destructured, the rest of the route is encased in an implicit do block, just like normal functions:

(str "<h1>Hello user " id "</h1>"))

The return value is treated intelligently. In this case a string is returned, so it’s turned into a standard response:

{:status 200
 :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html; charset=utf-8"}
 :body "<h1>Hello user 1</h1>"}

The compojure.response/render multimethod deals with turning a response of an arbitrary type (String, map, File, etc) into a suitable response. It can be overriden to provide custom rendering of your own types.

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