Install Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Nightly build and toolchain setup
rustup default stable
rustup update
rustup update nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
This should be sufficient to get started, refer to Substrate installation guide for more details if needed
Prerequisites (Ubuntu 20.04)
- rust toolchain with
target added build-essential
To build the chain, execute the following commands from the project root:
$ cargo build --release
To execute the chain, run:
$ ./target/release/ice-node --dev --tmp
Note: optional --tmp
flag will automatically purge the node DB
This will start a local development ICE node with solo validator and predefined accounts, use Polkadot-JS to explore the network
Use manual seal to produce block manually through RPC
$ ./target/release/ice-node --dev --sealing manual
git clone -b release-v0.9.19
cd polkadot
cargo build --release
cd -
Install Polkadot-launch
Prerequisites (tested on Ubuntu 20.04)
- node version 16.2.0
- yarn (using
npm install --global yarn
yarn global add polkadot-launch
Run Polkadot-launch
cd ./ice-substrate/resources
polkadot-launch arctic-launch.json
It will about 2 minutes to start the relay chain and arctic collator