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weppos edited this page Nov 11, 2010 · 1 revision

Example Usage

When did Google visit my website?

The following sample usage will show you how to query all GoogleBot hits on your website and convert them into an RSS feed with this class.

 * @see ApacheLogAnalyzer2Feed
require_once 'ApacheLogAnalyzer2Feed.php';

// create a new instance, parse access.log and write test.xml
$tool = new ApacheLogAnalyzer2Feed('access.log', 'test.xml');
// select entries matching Googlebot useragent
$tool->addFilter('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +');
// run

When did an user register into my website?

The following sample usage will show you how to query registration logs and convert them into an RSS feed with this class.

 * @see ApacheLogAnalyzer2Feed
require_once 'ApacheLogAnalyzer2Feed.php';

// create a new instance, parse access.log and write test.xml
$tool = new ApacheLogAnalyzer2Feed('access.log');
// select entries with Request matching a regular expression pattern
$tool->addFilter('Request', 'regexp:/site/register\-confirm\.php');
// run

When did Google visit my blog profile page?

The following sample usage will show you how to query all GoogleBot hits on your weblog profile page and convert them into an RSS feed with this class.

 * @see ApacheLogAnalyzer2Feed
require_once 'ApacheLogAnalyzer2Feed.php';

// create a new instance, parse access.log and write test.xml
$tool = new ApacheLogAnalyzer2Feed('access.log', 'test.xml');
// select entries matching Googlebot useragent with a regular expression pattern
$tool->addFilter('User-Agent', 'regexp:Googlebot');
// select entries with Request matching a regular expression pattern
$tool->addFilter('Request', 'regexp:/site/profile\.php');
// run

When did either Google or Yahoo! visit my website?

The following sample usage will show you how to query all GoogleBot and Yahoo! Slurp hits on your website and convert them into an RSS feed with this class.

 * @see ApacheLogAnalyzer2Feed
require_once 'ApacheLogAnalyzer2Feed.php';

// create a new instance, parse access.log and write test.xml
$tool = new ApacheLogAnalyzer2Feed('access.log', 'test.xml');
// select entries matching Googlebot useragent with a regular expression pattern
$tool->addFilter('User-Agent', 'regexp:Googlebot');
// select entries matching Yahoo! useragent with a regular expression pattern
$tool->addFilter('User-Agent', 'regexp:Slurp');
// use OR filter mode
// run