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add unit preview pane hp xp mp tooltips (#897)
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gfgtdf committed Dec 8, 2016
1 parent 309b04e commit 28df71d
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Showing 2 changed files with 169 additions and 39 deletions.
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions data/gui/widget/unit_preview_pane.cfg
Expand Up @@ -181,6 +181,52 @@

id = "hp_xp_mp"
unfolded = true
horizontal_alignment = "left"
vertical_alignment = "top"
border = "top,bottom"
border_size = 1
horizontal_alignment = "left"
vertical_alignment = "top"
wrap = "true"
definition = "default_small"
id = "hp"
horizontal_alignment = "left"
vertical_alignment = "top"
wrap = "true"
definition = "default_small"
id = "xp"
horizontal_alignment = "left"
vertical_alignment = "top"
wrap = "true"
definition = "default_small"
id = "mp"
Expand Down
162 changes: 123 additions & 39 deletions src/gui/widgets/unit_preview_pane.cpp
Expand Up @@ -29,13 +29,16 @@
#include "font/text_formatting.hpp"
#include "formatter.hpp"
#include "formula/string_utils.hpp"
#include "game_preferences.hpp"
#include "gettext.hpp"
#include "help/help.hpp"
#include "help/help_impl.hpp"
#include "play_controller.hpp"
#include "resources.hpp"
#include "team.hpp"
#include "units/attack_type.hpp"
#include "units/types.hpp"
#include "units/helper.hpp"
#include "units/unit.hpp"

#include <boost/iterator/zip_iterator.hpp>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,6 +101,92 @@ static inline tree_view_node& add_name_tree_node(tree_view_node& header_node, co
return child_node;

static inline std::string get_hp_tooltip(const utils::string_map& res, const std::function<int (const std::string&, bool)>& get)
std::ostringstream tooltip;

std::set<std::string> resistances_table;

bool att_def_diff = false;
for (const utils::string_map::value_type &resist : res)
std::ostringstream line;
line << translation::gettext(resist.first.c_str()) << ": ";
// Some units have different resistances when attacking or defending.
int res_att = 100 - get(resist.first, true);
int res_def = 100 - get(resist.first, false);

if (res_att == res_def) {
line << "<span foreground=\"" << unit_helper::resistance_color(res_def) << "\">" << utils::signed_percent(res_def) << "</span>" << '\n';
else {
line << "<span foreground=\"" << unit_helper::resistance_color(res_att) << "\">" << utils::signed_percent(res_att) << "</span>" << "/"
<< "<span foreground=\"" << unit_helper::resistance_color(res_def) << "\">" << utils::signed_percent(res_def) << "</span>" << '\n';
att_def_diff = true;

tooltip << _("Resistances: ");
if (att_def_diff)
tooltip << _("(Att / Def)");
tooltip << '\n';
for (const std::string &line : resistances_table) {
tooltip << line;
return tooltip.str();

static inline std::string get_mp_tooltip(int total_movement, std::function<int (t_translation::terrain_code)> get)
std::ostringstream tooltip;
tooltip << _("Movement Costs:") << "\n";

ter_data_cache tdata = help::load_terrain_types_data();

if (!tdata) {
return "";

for (t_translation::terrain_code terrain : preferences::encountered_terrains()) {
if (terrain == t_translation::FOGGED || terrain == t_translation::VOID_TERRAIN || terrain == t_translation::OFF_MAP_USER) {

const terrain_type& info = tdata->get_terrain_info(terrain);

if (info.union_type().size() == 1 && info.union_type()[0] == info.number() && info.is_nonnull()) {

const std::string& name =;
const int moves = get(terrain);

tooltip << name << ": ";

std::string color;
//movement - range: 1 .. 5, movetype::UNREACHABLE=impassable
const bool cannot_move = moves > total_movement;
if (cannot_move) // cannot move in this terrain
color = "red";
else if (moves > 1)
color = "yellow";
color = "white";
tooltip << "<span foreground=\"" << color << "\">";
// A 5 MP margin; if the movement costs go above
// the unit's max moves + 5, we replace it with dashes.
if (cannot_move && (moves > total_movement + 5)) {
tooltip << font::unicode_figure_dash;
else {
tooltip << moves;
tooltip << "</span>" << '\n';

return tooltip.str();

* Both unit and unit_type use the same format (vector of attack_types) for their
* attack data, meaning we can keep this as a helper function.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,27 +279,25 @@ void unit_preview_pane::set_displayed_type(const unit_type& type)

if(tree_details_) {
std::stringstream str;
str << "<small>";

str << "<span color='#21e100'>"
<< "<b>" << _("HP: ") << "</b>" << type.hitpoints() << "</span>" << " | ";

str << "<span color='#00a0e1'>"
<< "<b>" << _("XP: ") << "</b>" << type.experience_needed() << "</span>" << " | ";

str << "<b>" << _("MP: ") << "</b>"
<< type.movement();

str << "</small>";


tree_details_->get_root_node().add_child("hp_xp_mp", {
{ "hp",{
{ "label", (formatter() << "<small>" << "<span color='#21e100'>" << "<b>" << _("HP: ") << "</b>" << type.hitpoints() << "</span>" << " | </small>").str() },
{ "use_markup", "true" },
{ "tooltip", get_hp_tooltip(type.movement_type().get_resistances().damage_table(), [&type](const std::string& dt, bool is_attacker) { return type.resistance_against(dt, is_attacker); }) }
} },
{ "xp",{
{ "label", (formatter() << "<small>" << "<span color='#00a0e1'>" << "<b>" << _("XP: ") << "</b>" << type.experience_needed() << "</span>" << " | </small>").str() },
{ "use_markup", "true" },
{ "tooltip", (formatter() << _("Experience Modifier: ") << unit_experience_accelerator::get_acceleration() << '%').str() }
} },
{ "mp",{
{ "label", (formatter() << "<small>" << "<b>" << _("MP: ") << "</b>" << type.movement() << "</small>").str() },
{ "use_markup", "true" },
{ "tooltip", get_mp_tooltip(type.movement(), [&type](t_translation::terrain_code terrain) { return type.movement_type().movement_cost(terrain); }) }
} },

// Print trait details
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,27 +428,24 @@ void unit_preview_pane::set_displayed_unit(const unit& u)

if(tree_details_) {
std::stringstream str;
str << "<small>";

str << font::span_color(u.hp_color())
<< "<b>" << _("HP: ") << "</b>" << u.hitpoints() << "/" << u.max_hitpoints() << "</span>" << " | ";

str << font::span_color(u.xp_color())
<< "<b>" << _("XP: ") << "</b>" << u.experience() << "/" << u.max_experience() << "</span>" << " | ";

str << "<b>" << _("MP: ") << "</b>"
<< u.movement_left() << "/" << u.total_movement();

str << "</small>";


tree_details_->get_root_node().add_child("hp_xp_mp", {
{ "hp",{
{ "label", (formatter() << "<small>" << font::span_color(u.hp_color()) << "<b>" << _("HP: ") << "</b>" << u.hitpoints() << "/" << u.max_hitpoints() << "</span>" << " | </small>").str() },
{ "use_markup", "true" },
{ "tooltip", get_hp_tooltip(u.get_base_resistances(), [&u](const std::string& dt, bool is_attacker) { return u.resistance_against(dt, is_attacker, u.get_location()); }) }
} },
{ "xp",{
{ "label", (formatter() << "<small>" << font::span_color(u.xp_color()) << "<b>" << _("XP: ") << "</b>" << u.experience() << "/" << u.max_experience() << "</span>" << " | </small>").str() },
{ "use_markup", "true" },
{ "tooltip", (formatter() << _("Experience Modifier: ") << unit_experience_accelerator::get_acceleration() << '%').str() }
} },
{ "mp",{
{ "label", (formatter() << "<small>" << "<b>" << _("MP: ") << "</b>" << u.movement_left() << "/" << u.total_movement() << "</small>").str() },
{ "use_markup", "true" },
{ "tooltip", get_mp_tooltip(u.total_movement(), [&u](t_translation::terrain_code terrain) { return u.movement_cost(terrain); }) }
} },

if (!u.trait_names().empty()) {
auto& header_node = add_name_tree_node(
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