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umc ide: Allow overriding addons server port
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timotei committed Mar 21, 2015
1 parent f238b11 commit 613e8bc
Showing 1 changed file with 107 additions and 97 deletions.
204 changes: 107 additions & 97 deletions utils/umc_dev/org.wesnoth/src/org/wesnoth/views/
Expand Up @@ -293,124 +293,134 @@ protected void refreshAddons( )

if( cmbAddonServer_.getSelectionIndex( ) == - 1 ) {
currentPort_ = cmbAddonServer_.getText( );
else {
currentPort_ = ports_.get( cmbAddonServer_.getSelectionIndex( ) );

currentPort_ = ports_.get( cmbAddonServer_.getSelectionIndex( ) );
if( StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( currentPort_ ) ) {

int portNumber;
try {
portNumber = Integer.parseInt( currentPort_ );
} catch( NumberFormatException e ) {
GUIUtils.showInfoMessageBox( "Invalid port: " + currentPort_ );

currentPort_ = String.valueOf( portNumber );

loading_ = true;
tableAddons_.setItemCount( 0 );
tableAddons_.clearAll( );

if( ! StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( currentPort_ ) ) {
WorkspaceJob loadAddons = new WorkspaceJob( "Retrieving list..." ) {

public IStatus runInWorkspace( IProgressMonitor monitor )
throws CoreException
monitor.beginTask( "Retrieving list...", 100 );
monitor.worked( 10 );

String installName = Preferences.getDefaultInstallName( );

OutputStream stderr = GUIUtils.createConsole(
"Wesnoth Addon Manager", null, false )
.newOutputStream( );

ExternalToolInvoker tool = WMLTools.runWesnothAddonManager(
installName, null, currentPort_,
Arrays.asList( "-w", "-l" ), // list addons in raw
// mode
null, new OutputStream[] { stderr } );
tool.waitForTool( );

* parse the contents columns = [[" 0 - type", "1 - name",
* "2 - title", "3 - author", "4 - version", "uploads",
* "5 - downloads", "size", "timestamp", "translate"]]
final String[] lines = StringUtils.getLines( tool
.getOutputContent( ) );
final List< String[] > addons = new ArrayList< String[] >( );

String[] tmpColumns = null;
int index = - 1;

for( String line: lines ) {
index = - 1;

if( line.startsWith( "\\ campaign" ) ) {
if( tmpColumns != null ) {
addons.add( tmpColumns );
tmpColumns = new String[6];
else if( line.startsWith( " \\ type" ) ) {
index = 0;
else if( line.startsWith( " \\ name" ) ) {
index = 1;
else if( line.startsWith( " \\ title" ) ) {
index = 2;
else if( line.startsWith( " \\ author" ) ) {
index = 3;
else if( line.startsWith( " \\ version" ) ) {
index = 4;
else if( line.startsWith( " \\ downloads" ) ) {
index = 5;
WorkspaceJob loadAddons = new WorkspaceJob( "Retrieving list..." ) {

public IStatus runInWorkspace( IProgressMonitor monitor )
throws CoreException
monitor.beginTask( "Retrieving list...", 100 );
monitor.worked( 10 );

String installName = Preferences.getDefaultInstallName( );

OutputStream stderr = GUIUtils.createConsole(
"Wesnoth Addon Manager", null, false )
.newOutputStream( );

ExternalToolInvoker tool = WMLTools.runWesnothAddonManager(
installName, null, currentPort_,
Arrays.asList( "-w", "-l" ), // list addons in raw
// mode
null, new OutputStream[] { stderr } );
tool.waitForTool( );

* parse the contents columns = [[" 0 - type", "1 - name",
* "2 - title", "3 - author", "4 - version", "uploads",
* "5 - downloads", "size", "timestamp", "translate"]]
final String[] lines = StringUtils.getLines( tool
.getOutputContent( ) );
final List< String[] > addons = new ArrayList< String[] >( );

// got something interesting? parse it
if( tmpColumns != null && index != - 1 ) {
int firstIndex = line.indexOf( '\'' ) + 1;
int lastIndex = line.lastIndexOf( '\'' );
String[] tmpColumns = null;
int index = - 1;

if( lastIndex < firstIndex ) {
lastIndex = line.length( );
for( String line: lines ) {
index = - 1;

tmpColumns[index] = line.substring(
lastIndex ).trim( );
if( line.startsWith( "\\ campaign" ) ) {
if( tmpColumns != null ) {
addons.add( tmpColumns );
tmpColumns = new String[6];
else if( line.startsWith( " \\ type" ) ) {
index = 0;
else if( line.startsWith( " \\ name" ) ) {
index = 1;
else if( line.startsWith( " \\ title" ) ) {
index = 2;
else if( line.startsWith( " \\ author" ) ) {
index = 3;
else if( line.startsWith( " \\ version" ) ) {
index = 4;
else if( line.startsWith( " \\ downloads" ) ) {
index = 5;

// got something interesting? parse it
if( tmpColumns != null && index != - 1 ) {
int firstIndex = line.indexOf( '\'' ) + 1;
int lastIndex = line.lastIndexOf( '\'' );

// need GUI Thread access
Display.getDefault( ).syncExec( new Runnable( ) {
public void run( )
// skipp 1st line since it's just the header
for( String[] addon: addons ) {
if( lastIndex < firstIndex ) {
lastIndex = line.length( );

tmpColumns[index] = line.substring(
lastIndex ).trim( );

TableItem tableItem = new TableItem(
tableAddons_, SWT.NONE );
tableItem.setText( new String[] { addon[0],
addon[1], addon[2], addon[3], addon[4],
addon[5] } );
// need GUI Thread access
Display.getDefault( ).syncExec( new Runnable( ) {
public void run( )
// skipp 1st line since it's just the header
for( String[] addon: addons ) {

TableItem tableItem = new TableItem(
tableAddons_, SWT.NONE );
tableItem.setText( new String[] { addon[0],
addon[1], addon[2], addon[3], addon[4],
addon[5] } );

tableAddons_.forceFocus( );
} );
loading_ = false;

monitor.worked( 100 );
monitor.done( );
return Status.OK_STATUS;
loadAddons.schedule( );
tableAddons_.forceFocus( );
} );
loading_ = false;

monitor.worked( 100 );
monitor.done( );
return Status.OK_STATUS;
loadAddons.schedule( );

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