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TSG S6a: updated map
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nemaara authored and Pentarctagon committed Dec 15, 2018
1 parent a96b3e2 commit b23a0be
Showing 1 changed file with 27 additions and 27 deletions.
54 changes: 27 additions & 27 deletions data/campaigns/The_South_Guard/maps/
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gs^Fmf, Gd^Fms, Ww, Hh, Gs, Gd, Rd, Gd, Gs, Ww, Ww, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Hhd, Hhd, Gd^Fmf, Gs^Fp
Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fmf, Ww, Hh, Gs, Gd^Vh, Rd, Gs, Gs, Ww, Ww, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Hhd, Hhd, Gd^Fmf, Gs^Fp
Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Hhd, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Ww, Gs, Gs, Gd, Rd, Gs, Ww, Hh, Hh, Gd^Fmf, Gs^Fdf, Ss, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Hhd, Hhd, Hhd
Hhd, Hhd, Hhd, Gs^Fms, Hhd, Ww, Ww, Gs, Rd, Rd, Gs, Ww, Gs^Fdf, Hh, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Ss, Ss, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Hhd, Hhd
Gs^Fmf, Gs^Fms, Hhd, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd, Ww^Bw/, Ww, Gs, Ww, Ww, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Ds, Ss, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf
Gs^Fmf, Gs^Fmf, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd, Gs^Fms, Ww, Ww, Wo, Ww, Ss, Ss, Ss, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Ds, Ss, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf
Hhd, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gs^Fms, Gd, Gs^Fms, Gs^Fmf, Ww, Wo, Wo, Ww, Ss, Ss^Vhs, Ss, Gs^Fdf, Ss, Ss, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf
Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Rd, Gs^Fp, Gs^Fmf, Gs^Fp, Ww, Ww, Ww, Ss, Ss, Ss, Gs^Fdf, Ds, Ss, Ds, Gs^Fdf, Ds, Ds
Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Gs^Fmf, Gd^Fms, Rd, Gs^Fms, Gs^Fmf, Gs^Fms, Gs^Fmf, Ww, Ww, Ss, Ss^Vhs, Ds, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Ss, Ss, Ss, Ss
Hhd, Hhd, Mm, Hhd, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Rp, Gs^Fms, Gs^Fp, Hh, Gs^Fms, Ww, Ss, Ss, Ds, Ss, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Gs, Gs
Hhd, Hhd, Hhd, Mm, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Hhd, Gs, Gd^Fmf, Hh, Hh, Ds, Ww, Ss, Ss, Ds, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Hhd, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf
Hhd, Hhd, Hhd, Mm, Mm, Hhd, Gs^Fp, Gs^Fp, Gd^Fmf, Gs^Fp, Gs^Fp, Gs^Fmf, Gs^Fmf, Ww, Gs^Fdf, Ss, Gs^Fdf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf
Gs^Fmf, Gs^Fmf, Hhd, Hhd, Hhd, Hhd, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Rd, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fdf, Gs^Fmf, Hh, Ww, Ww, Gs^Fdf, Gd^Fmf, Gs, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fdf
Hhd, Hhd, Gs^Fp, Gs^Fp, Hhd, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fdf, Rd, Gd^Fdf, Gs^Fmf, Hh, Hh, Ww, Hh, Hh, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fdf, Hhd, Hhd
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Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gs^Fms, Gd^Fmf, Gs^Fms, Hhd, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd, Rd, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fdf, Hh, Gd^Fmf, Ww, Ww, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fdf
Gs^Fmf, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Hhd, Hhd, Hhd, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fmf, Rd, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Ds, Ds, Ww, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fmf
Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fmf, Rd, Hhd, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Ce, Rd, Ds, Ww, Gd^Fmf, Ds, Ds, Ww, Hhd, Hhd, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf
Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fms, Hhd, Gd^Fms, Rd, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fp, Ds, Ww, Ww^Bw\, Rd, Ww, Ww, Ww, Gd^Fmf, Hhd, Hhd, Hhd, Hhd, Hhd
Hhd, Hhd, Hhd, Hhd, Mm, Hhd, Hhd, Hhd, Gd^Fms, Ds, Ww, Ds, Gs^Fdf, Rd, Gd, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fms, Hhd, Mm, Mm, Mm
Hhd, Hhd, Mm, Mm, Mm, Hhd, Gd^Fmf, Rd, Gd^Fp, Ww, Ds, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fms, Gs^Fmf, Rd, Gs^Fdf, Hhd, Gd^Fms, Hhd, Hhd, Hhd
Hhd, Hhd, Mm, Mm, Mm, Hhd, Rd, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fmf, Ww, Ds, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fms, Gd, Re, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fmf, Hhd, Hhd
Mm, Mm, Mm, Mm, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fms, Ww, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fmf, Re, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fmf, Gs^Fms, Gd^Fmf
Mm, Mm, Hhd, Hhd, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Ww, Ww, Hhd, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fmf, Ce, Gd^Fms, 1 Ke, Re, Gs^Fdf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf
Hhd, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Ww, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Ce, Ce, Ce, Re, Re, Gd^Fmf, Gs^Fms, Gd^Fmf
Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Ww, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Ce, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Re, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp
Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Ww, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Ce, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Re, Gs^Fms, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp
Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gs^Fmf, Gd^Fms, Ww, Ww, Gs, Gd, Rd, Gd, Ww, Ww, Ww, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Fdf, Hhd, Hhd, Gd^Fmf, Gs^Fp
Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fmf, Ww, Ww^Ewl, Gs^Fdw, Gd^Vh, Rd^Es, Gs^Efm, Gs^Fdw, Ww, Ww^Ewl, Gll^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Hhd^Fdf, Gs^Fmf, Hhd^Fmf, Hhd, Gd^Fmf, Gs^Fp
Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Hhd, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Ww, Gs^Fdw, Gs^Fmw, Gd^Es, Rd, Gs^Fmw, Ww^Ewl, Hh, Hh, Gll^Fp, Gll^Fp, Uu^Uf, Gll^Fp, Gll^Fdw, Hhd, Hhd^Fmf, Hhd
Hhd, Hhd^Fmf, Hhd^Fmf, Gs^Fms, Hhd, Ww, Ww^Ewl, Gs^Efm, Rd^Es, Rd^Es, Gs^Fdw, Ww, Gs^Fdf, Hh^Fp, Gs^Fmf, Gll^Fp, Sm^Emf, Sm^Em, Gll^Fmw, Gs^Fmf, Hhd^Fp, Hhd^Fp
Gs^Fmf, Gs^Fms, Hhd^Fp, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Em, Ww^Bw/, Ww, Gs^Fdw, Ww, Ww, Gll^Fdw, Gs^Fmf, Gll^Fmw, Gll^Fmf, Gll^Fp, Ds^Esd, Sm, Gll^Fmw, Gll^Fdw, Gll^Fp
Gs^Fmf, Gs^Fmf, Hhd^Fmf, Gll^Fdf, Gll^Fmf, Gd^Fp, Gd^Em, Gs^Fms, Ww^Ewl, Ww, Wo, Ww^Ewl, Sm, Ss^Em, Sm^Emf, Gll^Fmw, Gll^Fp, Gll^Fp, Ds, Uu^Uf, Gll^Fdw, Gs^Fdf
Hhd, Hhd, Gll^Fmf, Gll^Fdf, Gs^Fms, Gd, Gs^Fms, Gs^Fmf, Ww, Wo, Wo, Ww^Ewl, Ss^Em, Ss^Vhs, Sm^Em, Gll^Fmw, Sm^Emf, Ss, Gll^Fdw, Hhd^Fp, Hhd^Fdf, Gs^Fdf
Gd^Fp, Gll^Fmf, Gll^Fmf, Gll^Fmf, Gll^Fdf, Rd^Es, Gs^Fp, Gs^Fmf, Gs^Fp, Ww, Ww, Ww, Ss, Sm^Em, Sm^Em, Gll^Fdw, Ds^Esd, Sm^Em, Ds^Esd, Gll^Fmw, Ds^Esd, Ds
Gd^Fp, Gll^Fmf, Hhd^Fdf, Gd^Fp, Gs^Fmf, Gd^Fms, Rd^Es, Gs^Fms, Gs^Fmf, Gs^Fms, Gs^Fmf, Ww^Ewl, Ww^Ewl, Ss^Em, Ss^Vhs, Ds, Gll^Fdw, Gll^Fdw, Sm^Em, Sm^Emf, Ss^Em, Ss
Hhd, Hhd^Fmf, Mm, Hhd, Hhd^Fmf, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Rp^Es, Gs^Fms, Gs^Fp, Hh, Gs^Fms, Ww, Sm, Ss^Em, Ds^Esd, Sm^Em, Gll^Fmw, Gll^Fmf, Gs^Fdf, Gs^Em, Gs
Hhd^Fmf, Hhd^Fdf, Hhd^Fdf, Mm, Hhd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Hhd^Em, Gs^Em, Gd^Fmf, Hh, Hh, Ds^Esd, Ww, Sm, Sm, Ds^Esd, Gs^Fmf, Gll^Fmw, Hhd, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf
Hhd^Fmf, Hhd^Emf, Hhd^Fmf, Mm, Mm, Hhd^Fmf, Gs^Fp, Gs^Fp, Gd^Fmf, Gs^Fp, Gs^Fp, Gs^Fmf, Gs^Fmf, Ww^Ewl, Gs^Fdf, Ss, Gs^Fdf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf
Gs^Fmf, Gs^Fmf, Hhd^Em, Hhd^Fp, Hhd^Fmf, Hhd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Rd^Es, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fdf, Gs^Fmf, Hh, Ww^Ewl, Ww, Gs^Fdf, Gd^Fmf, Gs^Em, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fdf
Hhd, Hhd^Em, Gs^Fp, Gs^Fp, Hhd^Emf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fdf, Gll^Fmf, Rd^Es, Gd^Fdf, Gs^Fmf, Hh^Fmf, Hh^Fmf, Ww, Hh^Em, Hh^Emf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fdf, Hhd, Hhd
Gs^Fmf, Gs^Fmf, Hhd^Em, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Hhd^Em, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fdf, Gd, Gll^Fmf, Gs^Fmf, Gs^Fmf, Hh^Fmf, Ww^Ewl, Hh^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Emf, Gd^Fdf, Gs^Fmf, Gs^Fmf
Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gll^Fmf, Gs^Fms, Gd^Fmf, Gs^Fms, Hhd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd, Rd^Es, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fdf, Hh, Gd^Fmf, Ww^Ewl, Ww, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fdf, Hhd^Fdf, Hhd^Fdf, Gd^Fdf
Gs^Fmf, Gll^Fmf, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Hhd^Fmf, Hhd^Em, Hhd^Emf, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fmf, Rd^Esd, Gll^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Ds^Esd, Ds, Ww, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Emf, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fmf
Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fmf, Rd, Hhd^Em, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Ce, Rd^Es, Ds^Esd, Ww^Ewl, Gd^Fmf, Ds^Esd, Ds^Esd, Ww^Ewl, Hhd^Em, Hhd^Es, Hhd^Fmf, Md, Gd^Fmf
Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fms, Hhd^Em, Gd^Fms, Rd, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fp, Ds^Esd, Ww, Ww^Bw\, Rd^Es, Ww, Ww, Ww, Gd^Fmf, Hhd^Fmf, Hhd^Em, Hhd^Fmf, Hhd^Fmf, Hhd
Hhd, Hhd, Hhd^Fmf, Hhd^Fmf, Mm, Hhd^Em, Hhd^Em, Hhd^Em, Gd^Fms, Ds, Ww, Ds^Esd, Gs^Fdf, Rd^Es, Gd, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fms, Hhd^Fmf, Md, Md, Mm
Mm, Md, Md, Mm, Mm, Hhd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Rd, Gd^Fp, Ww^Ewl, Ds^Esd, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fms, Gd^Es, Rd, Gs^Fdf, Hhd^Em, Gd^Fms, Hhd^Em, Hhd^Fmf, Hhd^Fmf
Hhd, Hhd, Md, Mm, Mm, Hhd^Fmf, Rd, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fmf, Ww, Ds^Esd, Gd, Gd^Fms, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Es, Re^Es, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fmf, Hhd^Em, Hhd
Mm, Mm, Mm, Md, Hhd^Em, Gd^Fp, Gll^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fms, Ww, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fms, Gll^Emf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fdf, Gd^Fmf, Re, Gd^Em, Gd^Fmf, Gll^Fmf, Gd^Fmf
Mm, Mm, Hhd^Fmf, Hhd^Fmf, Hhd^Emf, Gd^Fp, Hhd^Em, Gd^Fp, Ww^Ewl, Ww^Ewl, Hhd^Fmf, Hhd^Fmf, Gll^Em, Gd^Fmf, Ce, Gd^Fms, 1 Ke, Re, Gs^Fdf, Hhd^Fmf, Hhd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf
Hhd, Hhd, Gd^Fmf, Hhd^Fmf, Gll^Fmf, Hhd^Em, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Ww^Ewl, Hhd, Gs^Fms, Hhd, Gd^Fp, Gs^Fms, Ce, Ce, Ce, Re^Es, Re, Hhd^Fmf, Hhd^Fms, Gd^Fmf
Gd^Fp, Gll^Fmf, Gll^Fmf, Gs^Fms, Hhd^Fp, Gll^Fmf, Hhd^Fp, Hhd^Fp, Ww, Gd^Fp, Hhd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fp, Ce, Gll^Fdf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Re^Es, Gd^Fmf, Gll^Fdf, Gd^Fp
Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Hhd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gll^Fmf, Gd^Fp, Hhd^Fp, Ww, Hhd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp, Gll^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Gll^Fdf, Gd^Fmf, Gd^Fmf, Re, Gs^Fms, Gd^Fp, Gd^Fp

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