– a simple jQuery form plugin
Include the following as you usually do:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="formhandler.jquery.js"></script>
And then, call the plugin like this:
ajax: { // default: false. This will send all data as a JSON-object
action: '' // Path to endpoint file
method: '' // default: 'form'. This is the endpoint method.
// i.e. the request will be:
// data: {action: method, data:formData}
success: function (r) {// Callback if got a return from endpoint.
// variable r will contain the response
// Some code to fadeout stuff if successful
customSubmit: $(yourCustomSubmitButton),
enableSubmitOnSuccess: false, // default: false.
disableSubmitOnSend: true, // default true.
placeholder: true // default: true. Save all values in the form as
// placeholders, this is useful when you don't have
// access to html5 placeholders
validate: true // default: true. Check for "required" attributes, that
// are not empty
}, function(r){
// This is a callback containing all data from the fields
// r = {"field_name": "field_value", "checkbox_name": "checked"} etc.
For example:
<input required>
must not be empty.
It is also possible to validate forms, like this:
<input validate="phone">
will validate a text input as a phone number.
Valid validator types are (currently):
- phone (currently only swedish)