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A Dedicated Server Sample built in Unity, It uses Agones Rest SDK.

Install and Prerequisites

This sample is working on

Unity Editor: Unity 2018.4.1f1
OS: Windows 10 Pro
Docker: Version (31259)
Minikube: v1.1.0

and Using Powershell

Running on UnityEditor

  • Open AgonesUnityServerSample with UnityEditor.
  • Select AgonesEchoSample scene.
  • Play!
    • An Echo Client and a Local Echo Server will run.

Running a Dedicated Server on Agones

There are a few steps.

Setting a Minikube Cluster and Install Agones

  • Please see Agones Document

    • Setting up a Minikube cluster
    • Enabling creation of RBAC resources
    • Installing Agones

    Or you can use make command instead

    make start-agones
    make install-agones

Building a Dedicated Server

  • Open AgonesUnityServerSample with UnityEditor.
  • Hit a Build Tool/Build Server menu item in the menu bar.
    • The Builds are created in a Builds/Server Folder.

Building a Docker Container Image for Agones

docker build -t agones-unity-server-sample:1.0 .

Running a Dedicated Server Container on Agones

  • Use local docker images on Minikube
     & minikube docker-env | Invoke-Expression
  • Now, you can run a Unity Server on Agones with the following command!
    kubectl create -f gameserver.yaml
