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A responsive fixed-sidebar template made for programmers and artists.


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Stardust is a responsive fixed-sidebar template made for programmers and artists.

Table of contents


  • Responsive: Designed to look great on both large-screen and small-screen (mobile) devices.
  • Highly customizable: Change the entire website colors, social links and icons and sidebar navigation links with the possibility of one sub level with ease.
  • base16 code syntax highlighting: This theme also makes use of base16 themes that you can easily change.
  • Galleries: Useful for displaying your portfolio, ordered by date and filtered by categories.
  • FlexMansory: For displaying your posts and pieces in a masonry grid layout.
  • Lightbox: Useful for your bigger pieces, it can also have the piece’s title, description and a link. Can be used for youtube and vimeo links as well.
  • Smooth page transitions
  • Cover page
  • jekyll-seo-tag: To control SEO.
  • jekyl-sitemap: For better discoverability.


Add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:

gem "Stardust"

And add this line to your Jekyll site's _config.yml:

theme: Stardust

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install Stardust

Github Pages

In your _config.yml delete the theme: line and add:

remote_theme: wildleoknight/stardust

You also need to make the following changes in your Gemfile:

# Comment the jekyll gem
# gem "jekyll", "~> 4.1.0"
# Uncomment github-pages
gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins


This template makes use of data files so you should copy the _data folder. You should also copy the folder _sass with constants.scss and the entire pages folder.


  • title: Website title, used for SEO.
  • tagline: Small description used in the sidebar, cover page and SEO.
  • description: Website description.
  • image: Website image, used in the sidebar, cover page and SEO.
  • url: Base url.
  • sidebar_main_text: Secondary sidebar text.
  • home_url: Url for the Home page links.
  • cover_text: Cover page button text.
  • author: Your name, used for SEO.
  • lang: website's language, used for SEO.
  • google_analytics: Google analytics Measurement Id

Click here for aditional parameters that can be set to use with jekyll-seo-tag.


This is the file used to set all the colors in the website, you can also set sidebar related sizes and submenu icons.

// colors

$primary-highlight: #8f3aff;
$secondary-highlight: #47d163;
$tertiary-highlight: #ff8f3a;

$text-color: #fbfbfc;  
$secondary-text-color: #efeff5;
$secondary-hover-color: #323550;
$sidebar-color: #232538;
$hover-color: #232538;
$table-background-color: #232538;
$background-color: #141520;

// Sizes

$sidebar-width: 300px;
$sidebar-height-min: 100px;
$sidebar-height: 120px;
$social-link-width: 32px;

$sidebar-image-width: 192px;
$sidebar-image-height: 192px;
$sidebar-image-radius: 10%;

$submenu-icon: "";

// Syntax highlighting colors
// Base 16 theme
// Scheme: "Snazzy"
// Author: "Chawye Hsu ( based on Hyper Snazzy Theme ("
$base00: #282a36;
$base01: #34353e; //Unused
$base02: #43454f;
$base03: #78787e;
$base04: #a5a5a9; //Unused
$base05: #e2e4e5;
$base06: #eff0eb; //Unused
$base07: #f1f1f0; //Unused
$base08: #ff5c57;
$base09: #ff9f43;
$base0A: #f3f99d;
$base0B: #5af78e;
$base0C: #9aedfe;
$base0D: #57c7ff;
$base0E: #ff6ac1;
$base0F: #b2643c; //Unused


  • default: The default layout. Can be filled with content.
  • 404: Similar to the default but with less css, used as an error page.
  • landing: Cover page.
  • post-list: The list of all the posts who have the front matter attribute listable true.
  • post: The post layout. Used for posts.
  • gallery: The gallery of all the pieces in _data\gallery.yml that have the same page front matter category.

Data files


A collection of all the images you want to show on your galleries, they will appear sorted by date and only the categories specified in the page front matter.

- image: /galleryImages/test1.gif
  date: 2020-01-12
  title: "Test title"
  description: "Test description"
  linkurl: /your/url/goes/here
  linktext: "Text link text"
  category: [ all, pixel-art ]
- image: /galleryImages/test2.gif
  date: 2020-01-13
  title: "Test title"
  description: "Test description"
  linkurl: /your/url/goes/here
  linktext: "Text link text"
  category: [ all, illustration ]


A collection of all the links that appear on the sidebar with the possibility of 1 sub level.

- title: Portfolio
  url: /Portfolio/
    - title: Everything
      url: /Portfolio/
    - title: Pixel Art
      url: /Portfolio/PixelArt
    - title: Commissions
      url: /Portfolio/Commissions


A collection of all the social links on the sidebar.

- title: Discord
  image: /image/path/social.png

- title: Twitter
  image: /image/path/social.png

- title: GitHub
  image: /image/path/social.png

Post Front matter

layout: post
title: Post title
description: Post description
permalink: /projects/post-title
    source: https://project.source/link/
    cover: /assets/image-for-front-page.png
    top: /assets/image-for-top-of-post.png 
tags: [tags, which, relate, to, post]
listable: true | false
mathjax: true | false

Gallery Front matter

layout: gallery
permalink: /gallery
title: Gallery Title
category: [ category1, category2, ...]


Simply add your favicon favicon.ico to the root of your site.

Lazy loading

In order to enable lazy loading on an image you must add a data-echo attribute like so:

<img src="/assets/placeholder-for-image.png" alt="alt-text" data-echo="/assets/actual-image.png" />

Image lightbox

In order to open an image in a fullscreen lightbox on click, you must wrap the image in a link tag, but I do recommend wrapping it with a div tag with the class clickable-image like so:

<div class="clickable-image"><a href="/assets/actual-image.png">
    <img src="/assets/placeholder-for-image.png" alt="alt-text" data-echo="/assets/actual-image.png" />

Cache busting

Cache busting is being used by default on this theme's css/js and gallery but if you want to have it aswell on your images/js you must have the src/href like so:

<a href="/assets/actual-image.png?{{ site.time | date: '%s%N' }}"></a>


This theme was not made entirely from scratch, it was based on arco. The base16 theme used by default is Snazzy.


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.