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4.5 Formula Support Math Support.en

xiangyu edited this page Nov 25, 2022 · 1 revision

Annotate OCR recognition formula from pictures

= 0.7. 2

image.png Click the TEX button to call the OCR service identification formula. Support Bing, Mathpix (login required) and Xunfei (login required).
Switch here: image.png

Formula in notes

::: danger This feature will be removed in ❗ due to the built-in note formula support in Zotero versions after 6.14. Plug-in 0.6. 29 is the last version to support this function. ::: Better Notes uses MathJaxImplement support for LaTex formulas. Please write the formula in the single/double $symbol.
Note that the multi-line formula ($$code $$) is invalidated because the carriage-return wrap of the Zotero note defaults to paragraph wrap. In a multi-line formula, use Shift + Enter to keep the line break within the segment.
Use Ctrl +/or click the TEX icon to switch edit/render modes.