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MTE Database Schema

Kiri Wagstaff edited this page Jan 14, 2022 · 1 revision

MTE Database Schema

  1. targets: listing of unique target names

    Column Content
    target_id unique target id: target_name + '-' + mission
    target_name target name (each word capitalized, underscores between words)
    mission mission to which this target belongs ("mpf", "phx", "spirit", "opportunity", or "msl")
  2. aliases: mapping of target names as they appear in documents to a canonical name, to allow unification of results for all naming variants of a given target.

    Column Content
    target_name target name (each word capitalized, underscores between words)
    canonical_name canonical target name (spelling corrected)
  3. components: canonical listing of unique component names

    Column Content
    component_name canonical component name (each word capitalized)
    component_label "Element" or "Mineral"
  4. properties: canonical listing of unique property names

    Column Content
    property_name canonical property name (all lower case, spaces between words)
  5. documents: each document in the collection

    Column Content
    doc_id id of source document: consists of year + '_' + abstract id
    abstract abstract id (integer)
    title title
    authors authors (currently all one string)
    primary_author primary author name
    affiliations author affiliations (currently all one string)
    year year of publication
    venue publication venue, for citation (e.g., "Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #2591")
    doc_url source URL (e.g., PDF)
    content raw text
    reviewer name of reviewer, or empty if not reviewed
  6. contains: table linking targets to components

    Column Content
    target_id unique target id: target_name + '-' + mission
    component_name canonical component name
    target_sentence_id sentence identifier: consists of doc_id + '-' + sentence_number; locates the target
    component_sentence_id sentence identifier: consists of doc_id + '-' + sentence_number; locates the component
  7. has_property: table linking targets to properties

    Column Content
    target_id unique target id: target_name + '-' + mission
    property_name canonical property name
    target_sentence_id sentence identifier: consists of doc_id + '-' + sentence_number; locates the target
    property_sentence_id sentence identifier: consists of doc_id + '-' + sentence_number; locates the property
  8. mentions: table linking targets to sentences in which they appear

    Column Content
    target_id unique target id: target_name + '-' + mission
    sentence_id sentence identifier: consists of doc_id + '-' + sentence_number
  9. sentences: table of sentences used by contains and mentions

    Column Content
    doc_id id of source document: consists of year + '_' + abstract id
    sentence_id sentence identifier: consists of doc_id + '-' + sentence_number
    sentence text of the sentence
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