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MTE Wishlist

Kiri Wagstaff edited this page Mar 24, 2022 · 1 revision

MTE Wishlist

This is a list of desired extensions we'd like to make to the MTE, time and resources permitting. Contributions/PRs welcome!


  • Improve handling of tables and figures; currently the text is extracted but the structure is lost.
  • Improve or customize the processing of journal papers to remove page headers and other content that is not meaningful (and currently gets embedded in the middle of sentences).

Database Content

  • Add a "see also" table to explicitly connect related terms (elements, minerals, properties) and save the individual user from that effort (e.g., "ol" and "olivine", "pyroxene" and "pyroxenes", "NpOx" and "nanophase oxides").
  • Make ADS search for document metadata more robust; currently it fails to find some papers if the title search does not yield an exact match.
  • Remove spurious Components/Properties in final database. See


  • Add targets from the Mars Science Laboratory mission. Limited content from MSL ChemCam targets from 2014-2016 is available in the MSL Analyst's Notebook, but the official MTE database does not include any MSL content yet.
  • Add targets from the Mars 2020 mission.
  • Expand coverage of LPSC proceedings (currently goes through 2020). See
  • Expand coverage of journal papers.
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