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Releases: wlandau/crew

CRAN patch

24 Jun 13:33
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crew 0.9.5

  • CRAN patch.

simplified Shiny/promises docs

20 Jun 18:26
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crew 0.9.4

  • Do not use extended tasks in Shiny vignette.
  • Add a new retry_tasks argument with default TRUE (#170).
  • Avoid Base64 encoding functions from nanonext

Delegate promises

22 May 20:04
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crew 0.9.3

  • Deprecate native crew promises in favor of native event-driven promises in mirai (#162).
  • Update the shiny.Rmd and promises.Rmd vignette to recommend native event-driven mirai promises (#162).

minor patch

24 Apr 14:26
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crew 0.9.2

  • Use .args rather than ... in mirai::mirai() to make sure arguments continue to be passed as local variables in mirai >=
  • Add new controller methods autoscale(), descale(), and started() to facilitate different kinds of Shiny apps.
  • Deprecate the scale and throttle methods of controller$promise(). promise() now always calls autoscale() to make sure one and only one auto-scaling loop is running asynchronously. Auto-scaling thus continues even after the promise resolves.
  • Add a second example vignette that simulates coin flips.
  • Add a new error argument to collect() (#166).

Shiny-related improvements

25 Mar 16:16
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crew 0.9.1

  • Rewrite the async Shiny vignette with crew promises and Shiny extended tasks (#157, @jcheng5).
  • Clarify the intent of controller$promise(mode = "one") in the vignette on promises (@jcheng5).
  • Implement an error argument in pop() which may help with integration with ExtendedTask (@jcheng5).
  • Handle task errors in the Shiny vignette (@jcheng5).

Promises and backlogged task management for {targets}

07 Feb 13:39
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crew 0.9.0

  • Require nanonext >= 0.12.0 and mirai >= 0.12.0.
  • Return to always re-launching backlogged inactive workers (#79, shikokuchuo/mirai#95).
  • Implement push_backlog() and pop_backlog() to manage cases when it is not desirable to push to saturated controllers (ropensci/targets#1220).
  • Invisibly return the mirai object of a task pushed to the controller. This allows users to interact with the task directly, e.g. to create a promise object with promises::as.promise() (#146, @jcheng5).
  • Add a new walk() method for controllers and controller groups to submit tasks in batch and return control immediately without waiting for any task to complete (#148, @jcheng5).
  • Revive the collect() method for popping multiple tasks at once (#148, @jcheng5).
  • Add controller group methods nonempty(), resolved(), unresolved(), and unpopped() to help with #148.
  • Make the mirai dispatcher error message extremely verbose.

Vital safety for workers using SIGTERM

08 Jan 16:17
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  • Configure workers to send themselves a termination signal if the connection to the dispatcher is broken (#141, @psychelzh). Huge thanks to @shikokuchuo for the support through shikokuchuo/mirai#87, shikokuchuo/mirai#88, and shikokuchuo/nanonext#25! The signal itself is platform-dependent and determined by the new function crew_terminate_signal().
  • Implement crew_monitor_local() to help users monitor and terminate local R processes created by crew and mirai.
  • Implement new utility function crew_terminate_process() to terminate a process manually without resorting to SIGKILL on Windows.
  • Throw a warning from controller$map() if at least one task threw one. warnings = FALSE suppresses this behavior.
  • Set output = TRUE in daemon() so stdout and stderr streams print.
  • Add new arguments local_log_directory and local_log_join to write to local log files.

Event-driven wait()

11 Dec 15:07
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crew 0.7.0

  • Migrate from asyncdial to autoexit.
  • Use[["user"]] to get the user in crew_clean() (#135, @luwidmer).
  • Use condition variables to wait for tasks more efficiently (#108).
  • Because of #108, controller$map() can no longer be used if there are tasks waiting to be popped.
  • Use a cli progress bar in map().
  • Encapsulate non-function R6 members in the private list and add active bindings where interfaces are necessary (#137). Ad hoc tests that absolutely need to modify private objects can use object$.__enclos_env__$private trick, but these tests should be skipped on CRAN in case there is a change to R6 that breaks this.
  • Drop .signal from mirai::mirai() since all mirai tasks signal as of mirai version
  • Implement crew_throttle(), a decoupled mechanism for throttling that can be applied to scaling.
  • Bring back the throttle argument, powered by crew_throttle().
  • Retry mirai::status() again in daemons_info() and make it configurable using seconds_interval and seconds_timeout in both the client and the launcher (#128).

Local async for plugins, simplification, and performance

11 Oct 19:15
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crew 0.6.0

  • Migrate checks to enforce features in version 0.5.0 for reverse dependencies.
  • Drop check of backlogged workers, c.f. shikokuchuo/mirai#63 (comment) (#79, #124, @shikokuchuo).
  • Deprecate seconds_exit because exitlinger in mirai is now obsolete (#125, @shikokuchuo).
  • Use mirai::nextget("cv") to count unresolved tasks instead of looping through all the task objects (#131).
  • Remove throttling and collect() in auto-scaling. Simplifies much of the code. Made possible by the efficiency gains in #131.
  • Simplify wait().
  • seconds_interval in map() no longer defaults to controller$client$seconds_interval.
  • launcher$terminate_workers() terminates one or more workers, and launcher$terminate terminates the whole launcher.
  • Add infrastructure to let custom launcher plugins launch and terminate workers asynchronously (#133). Launchers can set a positive number in the processes field to set the number of local mirai daemons for asynchronous requests to launch and terminate the serious workers. Then, launch_worker() and terminate_worker() can optionally make use of launcher$async$eval() to send these asynchronous calls.

Robustness, random numbers, and TLS configuration

18 Sep 13:45
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crew 0.5.0

  • Suppress interactive browser on Windows which launched on each worker previously (@psychelzh).
  • Migrate to the new host/daemon nomenclature in mirai 0.9.1 (#96).
  • Suppress status() retries (@shikokuchuo, #100).
  • Implement launch_max to error out if workers repeatedly launch without completing any tasks (#101, @shikokuchuo, @multimeric).
  • Detect discovered workers more robustly in launcher$done().
  • Add a new algorithm argument to the push(), shove(), and map() methods of controllers and controller groups, as well as arguments/fields in crew_eval() and its return value (#113, @shikokuchuo).
  • As a default for pseudo-random number generation, leverage widely-spaced L'Ecuyer streams as supported by mirai::nextstream() (#115, @shikokuchuo).
  • Move README documentation to vignettes.
  • Add a new crew_tls() function for TLS configuration (#120).
  • Deprecate the tls_enable and tls_config arguments of crew_client() etc. in favor of a tls argument which accepts crew_tls() objects (#120).