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Service and Replication Controllers to run WSO2 products on Kubernetes with Docker


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WSO2 Kubernetes Artifacts


We have moved WSO2 Kubernetes Artifacts to separate product specific repositories and as a result this repository has been deprecated. A new kubernetes-common repository has been introduced for Kubernetes Membership Scheme. Please find the new repository list here.

WSO2 Kubernetes Artifacts enable you to run WSO2 products seamlessly on [Kubernetes] ( using Docker. This repository contains artifacts (Service and Replication Controller definitions) to deploy WSO2 products on Kubernetes.

Getting Started

In the context of this document, KUBERNETES_HOME, DOCKERFILES_HOME and PUPPET_HOME will refer to local copies of wso2/kubernetes artifacts, wso2/dockcerfiles and wso2/puppet modules repositories respectively.

To deploy a WSO2 product on Kubernetes, the following steps have to be done.

  • Build relevant Docker images
  • Copy the images to the Kubernetes Nodes
  • Run inside the relevant product folder, which will deploy the Service and the Replication Controllers
1. Build Docker Images

To manage configurations and artifacts when building Docker images, WSO2 recommends to use wso2/puppet modules as the provisioning method. A specific data set for Kubernetes platform is available in WSO2 Puppet Modules. It's possible to use this data set to build Dockerfiles for wso2 products for Kubernetes with minimum configuration changes.

Building WSO2 Docker images using Puppet for Kubernetes:

  1. Clone wso2/puppet modules and wso2/dockerfiles repositories (alternatively you can download the released artifacts using the release page of the GitHub repository).
  2. Copy the dependency jars and relevant Kernel patches for clustering to PUPPET_HOME/modules/<product>/files/configs/repository/components/lib location.
  3. Copy the JDK jdk-7u80-linux-x64.tar.gz to PUPPET_HOME/modules/wso2base/files location.
  4. Copy the mysql-connector-java-5.1.36-bin.jar file to PUPPET_HOME/modules/<product>/files/configs/repository/components/lib location.
  5. Copy the product zip file to PUPPET_HOME/modules/wso2{product}/files location.
  6. Set the environment variable PUPPET_HOME pointing to location of the puppet modules in local machine.
  7. Navigate to the relevant product directory in the dockerfiles repository; DOCKERFILES_HOME/<product>.
  8. Build the Dockerfile with the following command:
**`./ -v [product-version] -s kubernetes -r puppet`**

Note that -s kubernetes and -r puppet flags denotes the Kubernetes platform and Puppet provisioning method.

This will build the standalone product for Kubernetes platform, using configuration specified in Puppet. Please note it's possible to build relevant profiles of the products similarly. Refer script usage (./ -h).

2. Copy the Images to Kubernetes Nodes/Registry

Copy the required Docker images over to the Kubernetes Nodes (ex: use docker save to create a tarball of the required image, scp the tarball to each node, and use docker load to reload the images from the copied tarballs on the nodes). Alternatively, if a private Docker registry is used, transfer the images there.

You can make use of the helper script to transfer images to the Kubernetes nodes. It will search for any Docker images with wso2 as a part of its name on your local machine, and ask for verification to transfer them to the Kubernetes nodes. kubectl has to be functioning on your local machine in order for the script to retrieve the list of Kubernetes nodes. You can optionally provide a search pattern if you want to override the default wso2 string. Usage

Usage: ./ [OPTIONS]

Transfer Docker images to Kubernetes Nodes

  -u	[OPTIONAL] Username to be used to connect to Kubernetes Nodes. If not provided, default "core" is used.
  -p	[OPTIONAL] Optional search pattern to search for Docker images. If not provided, default "wso2" is used.
  -h	[OPTIONAL] Show help text.

Ex: ./
Ex: ./ -u ubuntu
Ex: ./ -p wso2is
3. Deploy Kubernetes Artifacts
  1. Navigate to relevant product directory in kubernetes repository; KUBERNETES_HOME/<product> location.
  2. run the script:

  This will deploy the standalone product in Kubernetes, using the image available in Kubernetes nodes, and notify once the intended service starts running on the pod.
  __Please note that each Kubernetes node needs the [`mysql:5.5`]( docker image in the node's docker registry.__
4. Access Management Console
  1. Add an host entry (in Linux, using the /etc/hosts file) for <product_name>-default, resolving to the Kubernetes node IP.
  2. Access the Carbon Management Console URL using https://<product_name>-default:<node_port>/carbon/
5. Undeploy
  1. Navigate to relevant product directory in Kubernetes repository; KUBERNETES_HOME/<product> location.
  2. run the script:

  This will undeploy the product specific DB pod, Kubernetes Replication Controllers, and Kubernetes services. Additionally if `-f` flag is provided when running ``, it will also undeploy the shared Governance and User DB pods, Replication Controllers, and Services.
  **`./ -f`**

For more detailed instructions on deploying a particular WSO2 product on Kubernetes, refer to the README file in the relevant product folder.
