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Bruno Hautzenberger edited this page Nov 29, 2018 · 2 revisions
  • Type: styles
  • Path: /styles

Style entities contain all style settings for this system. You can only get the Style of the System of the API key you are using. You can not query for styles, just get yours by id. The id of your style can be found in the relationships of your System. Do never hardcode this id, always get the system using your API key and get all ids you need from there.


  • foreground-color - (String) HEX encoded foreground color to use in your frontend.
  • background-color - (String) HEX encoded background color to use in your frontend.
  • highlight-color - (String) HEX encoded highlight (accent) color to use in your frontend.
  • chrome-header-color - (String) HEX encoded color to use as Chrome Header color and for similar uses cases in other frontends.
  • icon - (String) base64 encoded icon of this System. (always starts with image type prefix like data:image/png;base64,)
  • map-pin - (String) base64 encoded map pin of this System. (always starts with image type prefix like data:image/png;base64,)

Example Style Response

	"data": {
		"id": "305", 
		"type": "styles", 
		"attributes": {
			"foreground-color": "#222222",
			"background-color": "#fbfbfb", 
			"highlight-color": "#0e98cd", 
			"chrome-header-color": "#ffee00", 
			"icon": "data:image/png;base64, ...",
			"map-pin": "data:image/png;base64, ..."
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