Visitor's Management System Built Using Golang
First Application Written In Golang
All Employees are registered on the application to enable easy access of details and notification
Each Guest on every new visit is registered and given a code, which he/she uses on every visit to pull up user detail.
Notification is sent to every user (By mail or Text message).
You are just one command away from cloning this project
The Three main features include:
Employee Feature
Visitors Feature
Open Project in VSCode
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Change the working directory
cd VMS
Add Environment Variable path of this directory
Run the app using terminal
🎇 You are Ready to Go!
Go: as Main Coding Language for executing commands
Github : For Repo Storage and source code management
Git : For Version Control System
Github CLI: For Direct Interacting with Github
Sandra Ike
🎀 Contributions (GitHub Flow), 🔥 issues, and 🥮 feature requests are most welcome!
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Made with Golang & ❤️ in London