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Protractor and Cucumber Integration Demo

Protractor is a testing framework that enables interacting with an application on a web browser, in the same way a real user would interact.

Cucumber is a framework for writing high-level specifications of an application's functionality using plain text. It can be written and understood by non-technical people involved in a project. Cucumber’s language, Gherkin, lets you describe software’s behaviour without detailing implementation details.

This demo shows how these frameworks can be tied together using the protractor-cucumber-framework. The protractor-cucumber-framework was originally part of angular/protractor project and is now a separate npm module to decouple cucumber.js.

0. Setup

Setup should be simple. If you do not have Nodejs installed in your machine, install it from here. There is no need to install node modules globally for this demo. All modules configured to be accessed from the /node_modules folder under your project-root. The only requirement is to install required modules and update webdriver as shown below. And you can run the test.

From your project-root directory enter

$ npm install
$ npm run wd
$ npm run test

1. Configuration

The settings for a Protractor test is defined using a configuration file, config/config.js. The complete configuration options of Protractor for AngularJS is here and for Angular 2 is here. In this demo, we will only focus on three options, that are required for the integration.


The Specs option defines spec patterns relative to the location of the configuration script. Here, we define .feature files consists of features, for example /features/home.feature.

exports.config = {
  // ...
  specs: ['./../features/*.feature']


The framework options defines which test framework to use, such as Jasmine, Cucumber, or Mocha.

exports.config = {
  // ...
  framework: 'custom',
  frameworkPath : require.resolve('protractor-cucumber-framework')

cucumber options

Finally, the cucumberOpts defines the configuration of the Cucumber.js itself.

exports.config = {
  // ...
  cucumberOpts: {
    require: '../step_definitions/*.steps.js',
    tags: '@search',
    format: 'pretty'

2. Feature

The next step is writing .feature file Gherkin's documentation. More on how to write a feature file is found here.

Feature: Searching flight
  As a user of
  I should search for flight from the landing page

  Scenario: Landing at the home
    Given That I entered
    Then I should should see logo

  Scenario: Getting multiple search tabs
    Given That I am at the home page
    Then I should have search tabs

Once writing .feature is completed, run the test using npm run test. And you should get an output as shown below

1) Scenario: Landing at the home - features/home.feature:6
   Step: Given That I entered - features/home.feature:7
     Undefined. Implement with the following snippet:

       this.Given(/^That I entered Expedia\.com$/, function (callback) {
         // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
         callback(null, 'pending');

2) Scenario: Landing at the home - features/home.feature:6
   Step: Then I should should see logo - features/home.feature:8
     Undefined. Implement with the following snippet:

       this.Then(/^I should should see Expedia\.com logo$/, function (callback) {
         // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
         callback(null, 'pending');

3) Scenario: Getting multiple search tabs - features/home.feature:11
   Step: Given That I am at the home page - features/home.feature:12
     Undefined. Implement with the following snippet:

       this.Given(/^That I am at the home page$/, function (callback) {
         // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
         callback(null, 'pending');

4) Scenario: Getting multiple search tabs - features/home.feature:11
   Step: Then I should have search tabs - features/home.feature:13
     Undefined. Implement with the following snippet:

       this.Then(/^I should have search tabs$/, function (callback) {
         // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
         callback(null, 'pending');

2 scenarios (2 undefined)
4 steps (4 undefined)

3. Step Definitions

Step definitions is where Gherkin's documentation turned into an actual automated tests. Copy the four steps from the above output, and add it in to your step definition spec, step_defination/home.steps.js.

The rest of the modification should be done as any Protractor test would, as shown below. chaijs is used for assertion in this demo. You can use any other assertion library of your choice.

var chai = require('chai')
var expect = chai.expect
var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised')
var home = require('./../page_objects/')


module.exports = function () {
  this.Given(/^That I entered Expedia\.com$/, function (callback) {

  this.Then(/^I should should see Expedia\.com logo$/, function (callback) {

  this.Given(/^That I am at the home page$/, function (callback) {
    expect(home.isHomeTabSelected()).to.eventually.equal('Currently selected')

  this.Then(/^I should have search tabs$/, function (callback) {

Now running the test using npm run test, should open Chrome browser load home page and test few things :) At the end of the output you should see this

[18:04:26] I/launcher - Running 1 instances of WebDriver
[18:04:26] I/direct - Using ChromeDriver directly...
Feature: Searching flight

  As a user of
  I should search for flight from the landing page

  Scenario: Landing at the home
    Given That I entered
    Then I should should see logo

  Scenario: Getting multiple search tabs
    Given That I am at the home page
    Then I should have search tabs

2 scenarios (2 passed)
4 steps (4 passed)


Demo: to showcase protractor integration with Cucumber








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