Powerful advanced HTML creation system using PHP only.
- Version: 1.0
- Author: Paulo Rodriguez (xLaming)
- Description: Adds theme for your template (you dont need to use it if you want pure HTML)
- Available: bootstrap3, bootstrap4, mdl
PHML::create('tag name', 'content here', ['style' => 'color: #ffffff;'])
- Description: Creates attributes in your template
- Information: Two last args are OPTIONAL
PHML::add('tag name', 'content here', ['style' => 'color: #ffffff;'])
- Description: Creates elements or attributes for your template
- Information: Two last args are OPTIONAL
- Return: (string)
PHML::customCSS('custom CSS here')
- Description: Loads custom CSS
PHML::customJS('custom JS here')
- Description: Loads custom JavaScript
PHML::loadCSS('link here')
- Description: Loads external CSS
PHML::loadJS('link here')
- Description: Loads external JavaScript
PHML::comment('Hello World')
- Description: Comment in the template
PHML::list('tag name', array(), array())
- Description: Generates a string to be used in PHP::create()
- Information: Two last args are OPTIONAL
- Return: (string)
PHML::array('tag name', array(), array())
- Description: Generates an array to be used in PHP::create()
- Information: Two last args are OPTIONAL
- Return: (array)
- Description: Set minify true or false
- Description: Display the template