kubectl create ns hacking
kubectl apply -n hacking -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xxradar/kubernetes_learning/master/radarhack-deploy.yaml
Note: You cannot update a pod, but you can update a deploypent, rc, ...
kubectl set env deploy -n hacking --all "https_proxy=http://mitmproxy-svc.mitmproxy:8080/"
kubectl set env deploy -n hacking --all "http_proxy=http://mitmproxy-svc.mitmproxy:8080/" "https_proxy=http://mitmproxy-svc.mitmproxy:8080/"
Note: pods will be restarted at this point, but will have the env variables.
kubectl cp mitmproxy-ca.pem hacking/$POD:/tmp/mitmproxy-ca.crt
kubectl exec -n hacking $POD -- mkdir /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
kubectl exec -n hacking $POD -- cp /tmp/mitmproxy-ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
kubectl exec -n hacking $POD -- bash -c "unset http_proxy; unset https_proxy; apt-get update; apt-get install -y ca-certificates curl "
kubectl exec -n hacking $POD -- sh -c "/usr/sbin/update-ca-certificates --fresh"
kubectl exec -n hacking $POD -- sh -c "curl https://www.radarhack.com"