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PixelProtocol 3

PixelProtocol 3 is a simple binary protocol for defining what is being sent between a GUI client and a game engine.

It's for implementing games where old-school looking pixel art can be appreciated.

Features and limitations

  • 256 indexed colors.
  • A resolution of 320x200 pixels is recommended.
  • Should be possible to implement both in 16-bit assembly for DOS and in a modern browser.
  • Aiming to be WebSocket-friendly.
  • Pixels are not sent over the network, only commands for drawing them.
  • It should be possible to create a DosBox server for serving games over this protocol.
  • It should be possible to create a mobile client for playing games over this protocol.
  • The music is extremely simple 4-track MIDI.

Protocol Definition

Protocol Header

Name Type Description
ver uint16 protocol version
width uint16 width
height uint16 height
commands []uint16 list of commands (uint8 cmd + uint8 argument)

The commands can be streamed.


Color palette

Cmd Name uint8 argument Description
0x00 palsel color index, 0..255 choose palette color, prepare for filling the palette
0x01 setred red value, 0..255 set red value of chosen palette color
0x02 setgreen set green value of chosen palette color set blue value of chosen palette color
0x03 setblue set blue value of chosen palette color set green value of chosen palette color

Drawing pixels

Cmd Name uint8 argument Description
0x04 setcol pixel color from palette, 0..255 set the active color

Cmd Name uint16 argument Description
0x05 setx x position, 0..65535 set active x position
0x06 sety y position, 0..65535 set active y position

Cmd Name uint8 argument Description
0x07 plot n pixels plot one or more pixels from (x,y)


Cmd Name uint8 argument Description
0x08 clear fill color from palette, 0..255 clear everything with the selected color
0x09 rfill fill color from palette, 0..255 draw linewise until nonzero color or end, for filling the pixel buffer
0x0a lfill fill color from palette, 0..255 draw backwards linewise until nonzero color or end, for filling the pixel buffer


Cmd Name no argument Description
0x0b flip update all pixels
0x0c spriteflip update pixels where sprites have been drawn since last time this command was executed

Drawing lines

Cmd Name uint8 argument Description
0x0d setlcs color for start of line prepare to draw a line
0x0e setlce color for end of line prepare to draw a line
  • colors are interpolated linearly, component-wise (r, g, b, a)

Cmd Name uint16 argument Description
0x11 lisx x coordinate for start of line prepare to draw a line
0x12 lisy y coordinate for start of line prepare to draw a line
0x13 liex x coordinate for end of line prepare to draw a line
0x14 liey y coordinate for end of line prepare to draw a line

Cmd Name no argument Description
0x15 ldraw draw the line

Drawing triangles

Cmd Name uint8 argument Description
0x1a setcp0 set color for p0 prepare to draw a triangle
0x1b setcp1 set color for p1 prepare to draw a triangle
0x1c setcp2 set color for p2 prepare to draw a triangle

Cmd Name uint16 argument Description
0x1d setxp0 x coordinate for p0 prepare to draw a triangle
0x1e setyp0 y coordinate for p0 prepare to draw a triangle
0x1f setxp1 x coordinate for p1 prepare to draw a triangle
0x20 setyp1 y coordinate for p1 prepare to draw a triangle
0x21 setxp2 x coordinate for p2 prepare to draw a triangle
0x22 setyp2 y coordinate for p2 prepare to draw a triangle

Cmd Name uint8 argument Description
0x23 tdraw 0 for empty, 1 for filled draw a filled or empty triangle


Cmd Name uint8 argument Description
0x30 spid sprite ID select a sprite ID to work with
0x31 spw sprite width set sprite width
0x32 sph sprite height set sprite height
0x33 spclr color clear contents with the given color
0x34 spush amount of pixels add N pixels of the active color
0x35 spt amount of pixels add N transparent pixels
0x36 sprot value from 0..255, used as float from 0..2*PI rotate the current sprite
0x37 spscale value from 0..255, used as float from -20..20 scale the current sprite
0x38 spcopy sprite ID copy to another sprite ID

Cmd Name uint16 argument Description
0x39 spx x coordinate set x coordinate for where to draw the sprite
0x3a spy y coordinate set y coordinate for where to draw the sprite

Cmd Name uint8 argument Description
0x3b blit number of sprites to draw draw n instances of this sprite, following the pixel buffer direction
0x3c blitinc number of sprites to draw like blit, but increases the sprite ID at every step
  • The "pixel buffer direction" is from left to right, then starting on the next y coordinate (+ sprite height) when reaching the end of the line.
  • Several sprites can be placed in a row with the blit command. They are placed next to each other, without overlapping.
  • For the blitinc command, increasing the value from 255 wraps around and sets to current sprite ID to 0.
  • Sprites can have a resolution up to 128*128 (inclusive).

Convolution Filters

Cmd Name uint8 argument Description
0x40 con0 value from 0..255, used as float from -20..20 set convolution filter value 0
0x41 con1 value from 0..255, used as float from -20..20 set convolution filter value 1
0x42 con2 value from 0..255, used as float from -20..20 set convolution filter value 2
0x43 con3 value from 0..255, used as float from -20..20 set convolution filter value 3
0x44 con4 value from 0..255, used as float from -20..20 set convolution filter value 4
0x45 con5 value from 0..255, used as float from -20..20 set convolution filter value 5
0x46 con6 value from 0..255, used as float from -20..20 set convolution filter value 6
0x47 con7 value from 0..255, used as float from -20..20 set convolution filter value 7
0x48 con8 value from 0..255, used as float from -20..20 set convolution filter value 8
0x49 condiv convolution division, 0..255, used as float from -20..20 set convolution division value
0x4a apply apply convolution filter to all pixels
0x4b consp apply convolution filter to the current sprite

The convolution filter parameters 0..255 are treated as if they were floats between -20 and 20 (inclusive).

Example filters:

  • blur is 0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0 div 5
  • flame is 0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0 div 4


Cmd Name uint8 argument Description
0x50 radd utf-8 byte add a byte to the current UTF-8 rune
Cmd Name no argument Description
0x51 rclear clear the current UTF-8 rune
0x52 rsprite fill the current sprite with the current rune

At a minimum, these glyphs must exist:


Implementations should supply at least a font that works at 8x8 character size.

The snowman is useful for identifying if the protocol can correctly support at least one non-ASCII character.

Use an ø if no glyph is available for an UTF-8 rune.

Keyboard, Joystick and Mouse

For returning the state of the client.

A channel must be set up for receiving theuint16values that are returned by these functions.

Commands that return an uint16:

Cmd Name no argument Description
0x60 kesc is Escape being pressed?
0x61 kup is W, up or joystick up pressed? args: 0 for any, 1..4 for Player 1..4
0x62 kleft is A, left or joystick left pressed? args: 0..5
0x63 kdown is S, down or joystick down pressed? args: 0..5
0x64 kright is D, right or joystick right pressed? args: 0..5
0x65 ka is Return, comma (,) or joystick A button pressed? args: 0..5
0x66 kb is Space, dot (.) or joystick B button pressed? args: 0..5
  • P1 means Player 1, P2 means Player 2.
  • Player 1 has WASD keys, lshift, lctrl and/or Joystick 1.
  • Player 2 has the arrow keys, comma (,), dot (.) and/or Joystick 2.
  • Player 3 has the numpad arrows and/or Joystick 3.
  • Player 4 has Joystick 4.

Cmd Name uint8 argument Description
0x67 kshift 0 for left, 1 for right, 2 for any returns 1 if Shift is held down
0x68 kalt 0 for left, 1 for right, 2 for any returns 1 if Alt is held down
0x69 kctrl 0 for left, 1 for right, 2 for any returns 1 if Ctrl is held down
0x6a ksuper 0 for left, 1 for right, 2 for any returns 1 if Super is held down

Cmd Name no argument Description
0x6b kget returns 0 if keybuffer is empty, keycode of first in keybuffer if not empty

Cmd Name no argument Description
0x6c mx get mouse x coordinate
0x6d my get mouse y coordinate
0x6e mbtn get mouse buttons, returns: 0 for none, 1 for left, 2 for right and 3 for middle

Cmd Name uint8 argument Description
0x6f jbtn joystick button ID check if joystick button is pressed, returns 1 for pressed


Cmd Name uint8 argument Description
0x70 t0prog MIDI program select a MIDI program for track 0 (there are 4 tracks)
0x71 t1prog MIDI program select a MIDI program for track 1 (there are 4 tracks)
0x72 t2prog MIDI program select a MIDI program for track 2 (there are 4 tracks)
0x73 t3prog MIDI program select a MIDI program for track 3 (there are 4 tracks)
Cmd Name uint8 argument Description
0x80 t0note MIDI note play the MIDI note for track 0 for 20 ms, where note 00 is C3, 01 is D3, 02 is D3 etc (A4 is 432 Hz)
0x81 t1note MIDI note play the MIDI note for track 1 for 20 ms, where note 00 is C3, 01 is D3, 02 is D3 etc (A4 is 432 Hz)
0x82 t2note MIDI note play the MIDI note for track 1 for 20 ms, where note 00 is C3, 01 is D3, 02 is D3 etc (A4 is 432 Hz)
0x83 t3note MIDI note play the MIDI note for track 1 for 20 ms, where note 00 is C3, 01 is D3, 02 is D3 etc (A4 is 432 Hz)

Program Control

Cmd Name no argument Description
0xff exit end the program, disconnect
0x90 esc exit if Escape has been pressed

Client Side State

All state values are expected to be zeroed at the start of the program.

Description Type
r, g, b, a * 256 palette info 4 * 256 * uint8
x position for pixel uint16
y position for pixel uint16
color index for pixel uint16
x1 position for line uint16
y1 position for line uint16
x2 position for line uint16
y2 position for line uint16
c1 color for line start uint8
c2 color for line end uint8
x1 position for triangle uint16
y1 position for triangle uint16
x2 position for triangle uint16
y2 position for triangle uint16
x3 position for triangle uint16
y3 position for triangle uint16
c1 color for triangle point 1 uint8
c2 color for triangle point 2 uint8
c3 color for triangle point 3 uint8
convolution filter + division, 10 bytes 10 * uint8
sprites 128 * 128 * uint8
current sprite ID uint8


If you implement something using this protocol, please let me know. :)

General info

  • Version: 3.0.0
  • Author: Alexander F. Rødseth
  • License: CC0
  • GitHub Project