git clone
cd DMRates
pip install -e .
This is a package to calculate WIMP-xenon scattering event rate, including SI, SD, pion, WIMP-nucleon EFT, WIMP-quark EFT channels.
- includes the constants needed in the rate calculation.
- is the main module to calculate the standard SI or SD event rate. An additional rate for WIMP-pion is included.
- is an equivalent copy of MMA WIMP-nucleon EFT package dmformfactor. If you have any other better idea to run this package in python, please contact me. See more details in Haxton's paper arxiv:1308.6288.
- is a short version of directdm, which could transfer WIMP-quark EFT operator basis to WIMP-nucleon EFT basis. A next-to-leading order correction to nuclear form factor is added, but still need to be verified. See more details in Zupan+'s paper (can be found here)
- gives the parameters needed in
I offered a few examples for you to get the idea how to use this package.
In the folder Compare_with_EFT, I put the latest comparison between standard spin-dependent theory and effective field theory.
Check the parameters in before trying to compare the results with other theories, especially halo parameters and dark matter local density etc.
If you have any problems, feel free to contact me (