This is a library of common components for performance testing tools (YandexTank, Volta, etc.).
Data Manager collects your data and stores them to the backends of your choice.
Core concept is a test. Test is a collection of data streams described with metadata (i.e. test name, author, tool, etc.). Each data stream is also described with its own metadata (i.e., type: monitoring, host: my-backend-server, resource: cpu, etc.).
Data stream is a sequence of values indexed with a timestamp in microseconds. There are two types of data streams currently supported: * metrics — a stream of floating point numbers * events — a stream of strings
Metrics are used to describe a variable that changes in time (voltage measurements of a phone battery, cpu load, response time, etc.). Events are used to describe a sequence of events (server response codes, log messages).
Both metrics and events could be aggregated by seconds. Different sets of statistics are calculated for them: * quantiles, average, standard deviation and distribution for metrics * histogram for events
Test is created during a Data Session. One data session — one test.
- Specify the backends you want to save your data to
- Create a data session, describing it with metadata
- Subscribe the backends to the data session
- Create metrics and events in the data session, describing them with metadata
- Add data to the metrics and events (this might be done in realtime chunk by chunk)
- Close the data session
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from netort.data_manager import data_session
from netort.data_manager.clients import LunaClient, LocalStorageClient
# Prepare data
# random metrics
voltage_df = pd.DataFrame()
voltage_df["ts"] = (np.arange(0,1000000,100)
voltage_df["value"] = np.random.randint(1000000, size=10000))
current_df = pd.DataFrame()
current_df["ts"] = (np.arange(0,1000000,100)
current_df["value"] = np.random.randint(1000000, size=10000))
# events
logs_df = pd.DataFrame([
[0, "log message 1"],
[11345, "my event number 1"],
[100345, "my event number 2"],
[102234, "my event number 3"],
[103536, "my event number 4"],
columns=["ts", "value"])
errors_df = pd.DataFrame([
[110, "error 1"],
[11845, "error 2"],
[13845, "error 3"],
[202234, "error 4"],
[203536, "error 5"],
columns=["ts", "value"])
# specify backends (1)
luna = LunaClient( # store to Luna service
store_raw=False, # if data stream has aggregates, upload only aggregates without raw data
local = LocalStorageClient() # store to local files
# create the data session (2)
# It will close automatically (6) because we've used a context manager
with data_session(dict(name="My first test")) as ds:
ds.subscribe(luna, local) # subscribe the backends (3)
# create metrics and events (4)
voltage = ds.new_metric(dict(name="Voltage"))
current = ds.new_metric(dict(name="Current"), aggregate=True) # this metric will be aggregated
logs = ds.new_events(dict(name="Log messages"))
error_codes = ds.new_events(dict(name="Error codes), aggregate=True) # these events will be aggregated
# add data (5)
TODO: describe this
TODO: describe this
TODO: describe this
TODO: describe this