Implementation for CPNet.
- A simple version of the core codes has been released. It is based on mmsegmentation. You can integrate the codes into mmseg to run the experiments. Recently I am busy with job hunting and PhD thesis. After this peroid of time, I will release the complete version.
- We achieve 46.3% mean IoU on ADE20K val set, 53.9% mIoU on PASCAL-Context, and 81.3% mIoU on Cityscapes.
Please consider citing the ContextPrior in your publications if it helps your research.
title={Context Prior for Scene Segmentation},
author={Yu, Changqian and Wang, Jingbo and Gao, Changxin and Yu, Gang and Shen, Chunhua and Sang, Nong},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},