Project Tittle: University Loan Verification Management System
Required Packages to install for Linux environment
Package Name: How To Install
Python 3.6: sudo apt-get install python3.6
PostgreSQL database: sudo apt-get install postgresql
Python3-pip: sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Django 2.0.4: pip3 install django
Pyexcel: pip3 install pyexcel
Python Pillow (PIL): pip3 install pillow
Matplotlib: pip3 install matplotlib
Database Configurations
Create PostgreSQL database by using the following commands
1. psql postgresql
2. create database ulvms;
3. grant all privileges on database ulvms to your_user_name;
4. \q
5. cd database
6. psql -U your_user_name ulvms < ulvms.pgsql
Those 6 commands will import ulvms database to your computer,
Now you have to open ulvms/ulvms/ file and configure database by replacing 'USER' and 'PASSWORD' with your username and password respectively
'USER': 'your_user_name',
'PASSWORD': 'your_password',
Save the file and go back to terminal in ulvms directory where there is file in it (you can us ls command to check if you are in the right directory)
Execute the following command to run ulvms application on port 8000
python3 runserver localhost:8000
Now you will be able to access the application to any local web browser through 'http://localhost:8000' address
User the following credentials to log in
Username, Password, Role
1.uloanofficer, staffuserone, University Loan Officer
2.lbloanofficer, staffusertwo, Loanboard officer
3.2015-04-02571, studentpassword, Student
To sign by using barcode you need to plug barcode reader on your computer usb port and run the program in barcode_reader directory as follows
1. cd barcode_reader
2. sudo python3
Now you can scan barcodes to see the output or response displayed on the program which basically tells if you have signed successfully or not. use sample barcodes submitted with this document for testing
Note the program barcode_reader should be executed only when the web application is running, so make sure web application is running before running barcode_reader program ( if it's not running you can start it by using 'python3 runserver localhost:8000' command )