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Flask WebApp runs a 5-fold CV Ridge Linear regression on web-scraped IMDB ratings

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The Liam-o-meter 🥭 Python version

Linear regression analysis of IMDb Movie Ratings as an interpretive model for audience score based on genre & distributor

Metis logo Metis data-science bootcamp project 2, Jan. 11-22 2021

Summary: FlaskApp of movies rated using a k- (5-) fold cross-validation lasso multiple linear regression model of IMDB scores (n=2316) scraped off the web, where we chose to use three features: genre (Action, Adventure, etc.), genre-genre interactions (Horror Thriller, for example), and movie distributor (Disney, Paramount, Other defined as <=5 movies/year, etc.) to analyze timeframe. This model is interpretive and the use case is: "Can we train a critic to think about movie ratings as if they are a fan of small, internationally-successful studios?"


  • Liam
  • Liam's Dad (helped run code after I got IP-banned from RottenTomatoes)

Requirements to run locally:

The scrapy spider & data analysis:

  • Python 3.6 or greater
  • jupyter notebook
  • scrapy (pip3 install scrapy)
  • scikit-learn==v0.22.0<=0.23.2 (necessary for yellowbrick utils._safe_indexing dependency)
  • other modules: pandas matplotlib seaborn numpy json regex fuzzywuzzy pprint yellowbrick
  • ~8 hours of time start to finish
  • Strong willingness to get IP-banned from RottenTomatoes (just for a few days)

The web-scraping:

For a tutorial on web-scraping using Scrapy you can see my blogpost here.

The WebApp:

  • The FlaskApp is running on Ubuntu on an AWS AmazonLightsail server.

Note: we do not focus here on or include the code for deployment of a FlaskApp onto AWS, let alone the html/css/javascript used to display the data. This is because the FlaskApp is a part of my personal portfolio, and including all of the code for that here seems tangential to the point at hand: web scraping and linear regression. If you are interested, to view the code used to create the app see here.

How to run locally:

  • follow directions in to change a few lines of code to match your local path, not mine

In your terminal:

  • cd boxoffice_scrapy
  • scrapy crawl mojo_spider -L WARN
  • scrapy crawl tomato_spider -L WARN
  • scrapy crawl imdb_spider -L WARN
  • scrapy crawl heirloom_spider -L WARN
  • scrapy crawl metacritic_spider -L WARN


  • in "boxoffice_scrapy": heirloom.csv, imdb.csv, metacritic.csv, mojo.csv, tomatoes.csv

How it works

After webscraping, you can follow along using the five notebooks. They are:

  • Step I: EDA (exploring review sources)
  • Step II: Data cleaning (removing MPAA Rating, Budget)
  • Step III: Data modeling (one-hot encoding genre, genre-genre interactions, distributor) in the form of linear regression and degree 2 polynomial regression; metric used: R^2
  • Step IV: Comparing our regularized and non-regularized linear and polynomial models via residual plots and Q-Q plots
  • Step V: Making an html dataframe to use in a flask webapp (see, and /templates)


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