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We, Text2Knowledge group, gladly present the first Cooking Dialog dataset (CookDial), a task-oriented dialog dataset in which all the dialogs are grounded in procedural documents (i.e. cooking recipes in our research). It contains 260 dialogs and 260 corresponding recipes. All the dialogs are collected in a human-to-human WoZ setting, in which an agent tries to instruct a user to accomplish a cooking process based on a recipe text. A typical cooking dialog is depicted in the figure below:


This repo includes the CookDial dataset, preprocessing script and baseline models for 3 challenging tasks, i.e.,

  • Task-I: User Question Understanding
  • Task-II: Agent Action Frame Prediction
  • Task-III: Agent Response Generation

This text will guide you how to utilize CookDial and train your own model. Let's start!

Dataset description

The structure of CookDial dataset is easy to understand. More details about the data collection, statistics and annotation schema can be found in our paper.

You can find all the recipes and dialogs in ./data/recipe/ and ./data/dialog/ respectively. Recipes and dialogs are both stored individually (named from 000 to 259).

Recipe data

Our recipe data is extended from the RISeC dataset and its paper.

Let's look into the first recipe, the grounding document of dialog-000. The first ingredient (ing-0) and first instruction (inst-0) are shown below:

    "id": "ing-0",
    "text": "3 eggs",
    "type": "ingredient",
    "eamr": "( ing-0 \"3 eggs\" )"
    "id": "inst-0",
    "text": "0) Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C).",
    "type": "instruction",
    "eamr": "( inst-0 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-0-0 \"Preheat\"@3:10 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( tool-0-0 \"oven\"@11:15 / TOOL )\r\n\t\t:heat ( temp-0-0 \"400 degrees F\"@19:32 / TEMPERATURE )\r\n\t\t:heat ( temp-0-1 \"205 degrees C\"@34:47 / TEMPERATURE )\r\n\t)\r\n)"

The fields id, text, type speak for themselves. The field eamr is a PENMAN string representation of the semantic graph within one ingredient or instruction sentence. We borrow some ideas and notions from Abstract Meaning Representation project and call our recipe annotation Extended-AMR (EAMR). Again, we wrote a parser here to parse eamr graphs. A pretty-print version of the string above is:

( inst-0 / R
	:inform ( ac-0-0 "Preheat"@3:10 / AC
		:ppt ( tool-0-0 "oven"@11:15 / TOOL )
		:heat ( temp-0-0 "400 degrees F"@19:32 / TEMPERATURE )
		:heat ( temp-0-1 "205 degrees C"@34:47 / TEMPERATURE )

It represents a directed acyclic graph constituted by nodes and edges. This figure may be more intuitive to help you understand the graph concept.


A pair of parentheses is the scope marker of one node, which is normally formatted as:

(entity_identifier "mention_span"@mention_span_start:mention_span_end / node_label)

The central node in inst-0 is the verb "Preheat", whose entity identifier is "ac-0-0", node label (entity type) is AC (action), mention span start and ends are (3, 10). Notice: Since our dialog models focus on the entity level, we only need the eamr parser to extract related information from nodes (e.g. entity identifiers, mention spans). In particular, entity identifiers bridge dialogs and recipes as we will see in the following section.

An edge and its label is indicated by a semi-colon like ":inform, :heat". It can be interpreted as the relation between the predicate and its arguments. For example, the relation between "oven" and "Preheat" is "ppt" (i.e. patient or object). The edge information is not used in our current models but may contribute to the research in future.

Dialog data

Take the dialog-000 as example. It consists of 28 utterances. Let's look at the first user utterance:

    "utt_id": "utt-0",
    "utterance": "Hi. What's the first step I need to take?",
    "bot": false,
    "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"greeting; req_start;\", 
                     \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-0\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 9,
                     \"tracker_completed_step\": \"title\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 0}"

The fields utt_id, utterance speak for themselves. The field bot is a boolean, indicating whether the current utterance is produced by the agent or not (false in this utterance). The field annotations is a dumped dict of the User State frame annotations in which

  • intent contains the user intents (i.e. greeting and req_start in this case)
  • tracker_requested_step stores the requested recipe step within the current user question.
  • tracker_requested_step_num is the actual index of tracker_requested_step in the recipe annotation.
  • tracker_completed_step stores the completed recipe step before the current user question. (Note this is the first user question, we default the completed step as "title")
  • tracker_completed_step_num is the actual index of tracker_completed_step in the recipe annotation.
  • (Optional) section denotes which recipe section ('title': title, 'ing': ingredient list, 'inst': instruction) the user is asking about.

The following agent response is:

    "utt_id": "utt-1",
    "utterance": "Could you preheat your oven to 400 degrees?",
    "bot": true,
    "annotations": "inform_instruction(inst-0);"

Since this utterance comes from the agent, bot is true. The field annotations is the Agent Action Frame annotation. For this agent response, the action frame only contains one agent act (i.e. inform_instruction) and the argument pointer (inst-0) meaning that the agent's answer is grounded in the instruction of inst-0.

The strings (e.g. "inform_instruction(inst-0);") in Agent Action Frame are invented by ourselves. To parse them, we wrote a simple parser here that will be used in the preprocessing script.

Model training / evaluation

1. Dependency

OS and GPU: Ubuntu 18.04, Nvidia-Tesla-V100 (32GB), cuda 11.4

Basic requirements: python>=3.9.1, torch>=1.7, transformers>=4.6.1

Run (it is suggested to install them in a new conda/venv environment):

# Install all the dependencies:
pip install -r ./src/requirements.txt
# Install the spacy dictionary 
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm-2.3.1

2. Preprocess data

python scripts/ --lowercase

The output files can be found in data/processed/. By default, the output folder tree looks like this:

├── dialog
│   └── cookdial_dialog_merged.json 
├── preprocess.log
└── vocab
    ├── vocab.agent_acts.json
    ├── vocab.intent.json
    ├── vocab.section.json
    └── vocab.words.json

3. Train

The code structure is adapted from a great template project where you can learn more about how to configure your model architecture and an experiment using json files under ./src/. In our case, the baseline models for the 3 tasks differ from each other, each model has its own configuration json file, namely config_user_task.json, config_agent_task.json, config_gene_task.json. The name field in config_user_task.json determines your experiment name and the save path. You can group a bundle of experiments under one name to play with hyper-parameters. Each experiment will have its unique time stamp (when the experiment starts) as the subfolder name (e.g. ./src/save/your_experiment_name/timestamp/). One example of a subfolder tree is:

└── timestamp
    ├── config.json         # The saved experiment configuration that will be reloaded during the evaluation phase.
    ├── events.out.tfevents.2612939458.host_name.45294.0 # tensorboard log
    ├── info.train.log      # trainer log 
    └── models
        └── model-best.pth  # The saved checkpoint

The seed field assigns a random seed to all the random number generator used in our codes. Note: this seed also influences the data split in our data-loading pipeline. For instance, setting the seed to 12345 and 54321 will produce different train, valid and test sets.

Take Task-I User Question Understanding task as example. We will show how to start a new training loop.


cd ./src
# Make sure is executable
# chmod 751
./ --config ./config_user_task.json --mode "train"

After the training stops (due to early stopping or reaches the maximum epochs), saved checkpoints, training logs and experiment configuration can be found in ./src/save/your_experiment_name/. The default setting (save_period=1e6) means only the best checkpoint is saved but you can configure this in the json file as you like, e.g. save the checkpoint every two epochs (save_period=2).

Tensorboard is also supported. To monitor the training (like losses, gradient norm, etc.) in real time, run:

tensorboard --logdir ./src/save/your_experiment_name

4. Evaluate your models

After the training/parameter-tuning is finished, you can evaluate your model on unseen data. Assume your model is saved under /save/your_experiment_name/timestamp/. Run:

cd ./src
./ --config ./config_user_task.json --mode "test" --resume ${resume_path}

Unlike the training phase, the ./config_user_task.json in evaluation is used only for initialization as the real configuration will be overridden by the saved config file attached to the checkpoint you want to resume, e.g. /save/your_experiment_name/timestamp/config.json.

5. Use our checkpoints

Alternatively, you can also download and evaluate checkpoints generated from our side. We upload 3 checkpoints for each task respectively.

Task-I User Question Understanding Task-II Agent Action Frame Prediction Task-III Agent Response Generation
seed_951867557_user_task_hist_5.tgz seed_951867557_agent_task_hist_5.tgz seed_951867557_gene_task_with_pointer_with_act_hist_5.tgz

Still use Task-I as an example. Run:

cd ./src
# You can put them under a new folder `/src/save_external`
mkdir save_external
wget -q -O ./save_external/seed_951867557_user_task_hist_5.tgz
tar -C ./save_external/ -xzf ./save_external/seed_951867557_user_task_hist_5.tgz
./ --config ./config_user_task.json --mode "test" --resume ${resume_path}

The evaluation results of Task-I will be printed:

intent                  fscore                         0.902945
                        precision                      0.915667
                        recall                         0.894236
tracker_completed_step  Accuracy                       0.946429
tracker_requested_step  Accuracy                       0.881696


If our work is helpful, please cite

  title={CookDial: a dataset for task-oriented dialogs grounded in procedural documents},
  author={Jiang, Yiwei and Zaporojets, Klim and Deleu, Johannes and Demeester, Thomas and Develder, Chris},
  journal={Applied Intelligence},


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