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Yixian edited this page Dec 26, 2019 · 1 revision

YixSoft MyBatis AutoSql Extension

This extension can auto generate and bind simple CRUD sql to your mapper methods.

Save your time to build simple sql.

On startup, this extension will try to connect to datasource to get database metadata so it can recognize which dialect should be used. Of course, you should register the dialect class in the configuration.

Supports basic sql on single table. Including SELECT list, SELECT one, SELECT count, UPDATE by primary key, INSERT(supports auto-generated primary key), DELETE. in WHERE clause, if a parameter was provided as a collection or array, it will auto generate a IN clause.

Any auto-generated sql will try to connect to database and get table structure. and structure will be cached in 10min.

As parameter was based on Map, keys will only be ignored when there is no key in the parameter names. If you give a null value, it will be passed as a null value.

This project depends on project. we may remove it in the future to get thinner


# first you have to configure datasource
  configuration: # normal mybatis configurations
    mapUnderscoreToCamelCase: true
  dialects: # auto sql dialect config, here is an example, default was empty
  paginator: # paginator config
    enable: true  # enable com.github.meimeidev:mybatis-paginator to help build pagelist
    advanced-count: true # we provide a @AdvancedPaginator annotation to determine the count select in case the detailed select cost too much time. and it requires com.github.meimeidev:mybatis-paginator 
    dialect: com.github.miemiedev.mybatis.paginator.dialect.MySQLDialect # com.github.meimeidev:mybatis-paginator required configuration
    async-total-count: false # com.github.meimeidev:mybatis-paginator configuration
    pool-max-size: 0 # com.github.meimeidev:mybatis-paginator configuration, if it was <=0 will not be applied
  config-location: 'classpath:mybatis.xml' # can determine your mybatis configuration configuration file



Should be marked on all mapper interfaces which requires to register auto-sql. it determines the table name, primary key name/names. Properties:

  • tablename: determine the table name
  • pkName: determine the primary key name/names(if you use multi-column primary key, we will not auto generate primary key)
  • keyGenerator: primary key generator. if you configured single column primary key and leave the primary key empty, we will auto generate one for you. Default is UUID generator. If you use auto-generated primary key, set it to org.apache.ibatis.executor.keygen.Jdbc3KeyGenerator


Common auto sql annotation which should be marked on methods of mappers. and it determines which type is the AutoSql Types:

  • INSERT: auto generate an insert sql
  • UPDATE: auto generate an update sql
  • DELETE: auto generate a delete sql
  • SELECT: auto generate a select sql
  • COUNT: auto generate a select count sql



Can replace @AutoSql(UPDATE), and value is the static update sql fragment.

for example, you want to execute update foo set is_valid=0 where id=#{id}, the value can input is_valid=0

so the mapping should be

public interface FooMapper{
    void markDisabled(@Param("id") String id);


Like @StaticUpdate, it can replace @AutoSql(SELECT). This annotation provides 2 extended configurations:

  • excludeColumns: If you do not want to select some columns such as blob/clob columns, secure columns in the auto generated select sql, you can use this config
  • addonWhereClause: You can add some where fragments in the auto generated select sql. it will concat generated where clauses with AND

@AdvancedPaginator, @CountRef, @CountSqlTpl

These annotations are developed to upgrade com.github.meimeidev:mybatis-paginator.

In this plugin, sql was simply wrapped by select count(1) from ($originSql) to get total counts. But if the origin sql was very complex, the count sql will take a lot of time and not all join fragments are useful for counting. So with these annotations, You can determine count sql to another mapping ref or just give the count sql to simplify pagination select.

AutoSql Dialect

Dialect class should implements and be annotated by to determine which database it supports