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E-commerce project made with PHP Laravel, this project idea has been given me by chatGPT because I wanted to make a beginner/intermediate project to get myself more in touch with this awesome framework. As a side note, this project has so much potential for new features to be added, however, I just feel like I've done everything I can for now. I might add new features to it later on once I gain more experience and confidence on working with bigger projects.

Website's interface :


You can preview products and lookup for anything you want in the search bar (this function basically looks for: name, description & categories. if anything matches it brings it to show up). At this example, I searched for word "apple" so I got apple products back.


When you press any product you get transitioned to single product page that gives you details about the product and its owner.


Here I made an account to test and add a new product.


Once logged in, you get additional options in your navbar. Manage products lets you check the products you own, and cart that lets you add products to it and logout of course.


I tried to add a new product so I got transitioned to create product page, like you see down here.


Once you save everything, it appears on the main page organized from newest to oldest.


I pressed manage products so as to see the products related to my account. As expected, only the product that I've just added appeared. It gives full authority to product owner to edit or delete.


If the product owner wishes to edit his product, it transitions you to edit page.


I went back to the main page and added few products to my cart so as to get them.


As you can see everything has been added to my cart with the ability to remove anything as the user wishes. Total is calculated as well, if you wish to checkout.


I logged out of my account and everything stays as it is.


Thanks for your attention :D