- How to create, build & run c#
- Object type
- Type cast
- Console functions
- string functions
- Number type functions
- Expression(boolean)
- Array type
- Loop
- Random library
- Array operations
- Methods
- Debugging
- Exception Handling
- List & Collection
- Classes & Objects
- Sources
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- make sure to have .NET SDK install
- visit this link for more detail.
- make sure to have c# extension install in vs code
- visit this link for more detail.
- create c# project
- in Terminal run:
dotnet new console -o ./CsharpProjects/TestProject
- build c# project
- first make sure terminal path located in the project folder, then run:
dotnet build
- run c# project
- first make sure terminal path located in the project folder and has done step 4, then run:
dotnet run
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- int (4 bytes : -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647)
- long (8 bytes : -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807)
- float (4 bytes : 6 to 7 decimal digits)
- double (8 bytes : 15 decimal digits)
- bool (1 bit : true/false)
- char (2 bytes : character/letter)
- string (2 bytes per character)
- var (implicitly typed local variable - Must be initialize)
- signed integral types
Console.WriteLine("Signed integral types:"); Console.WriteLine($"sbyte : {sbyte.MinValue} to {sbyte.MaxValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"short : {short.MinValue} to {short.MaxValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"int : {int.MinValue} to {int.MaxValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"long : {long.MinValue} to {long.MaxValue}"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Floating point types:"); Console.WriteLine($"float : {float.MinValue} to {float.MaxValue} (with ~6-9 digits of precision)"); Console.WriteLine($"double : {double.MinValue} to {double.MaxValue} (with ~15-17 digits of precision)"); Console.WriteLine($"decimal: {decimal.MinValue} to {decimal.MaxValue} (with 28-29 digits of precision)");
Signed integral types: sbyte : -128 to 127 short : -32768 to 32767 int : -2147483648 to 2147483647 long : -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 Floating point types: float : -3.402823E+38 to 3.402823E+38 (with ~6-9 digits of precision) double : -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308 (with ~15-17 digits of precision) decimal: -79228162514264337593543950335 to 79228162514264337593543950335 (with 28-29 digits of precision)
- unsigned integral types
Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Unsigned integral types:"); Console.WriteLine($"byte : {byte.MinValue} to {byte.MaxValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"ushort : {ushort.MinValue} to {ushort.MaxValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"uint : {uint.MinValue} to {uint.MaxValue}"); Console.WriteLine($"ulong : {ulong.MinValue} to {ulong.MaxValue}");
Unsigned integral types: byte : 0 to 255 ushort : 0 to 65535 uint : 0 to 4294967295 ulong : 0 to 18446744073709551615
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- decimal to int
int value = (int)1.5m; // casting truncates Console.WriteLine(value); // 1 int value2 = Convert.ToInt32(1.5m); // converting rounds up Console.WriteLine(value2); // 2
- number to string
int first = 5; int second = 7; string message = first.ToString() + second.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(message);
- string to int
string first = "5"; string second = "7"; int sum = int.Parse(first) + int.Parse(second); Console.WriteLine(sum);
string value1 = "5"; string value2 = "7"; int result = Convert.ToInt32(value1) * Convert.ToInt32(value2); Console.WriteLine(result);
- string to decimal
string first = "5.69"; int convertFirst = Convert.ToDecimal(first); Console.WriteLine(convertFirst);
- TryParse(, out )
string value = "bad"; int result = 0; if (int.TryParse(value, out result)) { Console.WriteLine($"Measurement: {result}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Unable to report the measurement."); } if (result > 0) Console.WriteLine($"Measurement (w/ offset): {50 + result}");
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- console print new line
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); Console.WriteLine('H'); Console.WriteLine(123);
- console print
Console.Write("Hello World!");
- other
Console.WriteLine("Hello" + " " + "World!");
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Console.WriteLine("Hello\nWorld!"); // add new line Console.WriteLine("Hello\tWorld!"); // add tab Console.WriteLine("Hello \"World\"!"); // add " Console.WriteLine("c:\\source\\repos"); // add \ Console.WriteLine(@" c:\source\repos (this is where your code goes)"); // @(verbatim) keep all whitespace and character without need of escape backslash Console.WriteLine("\u3053\u3093\u306B\u3061\u306F World!"); // unicode escape character
- string interpolation
string message = greeting + " " + firstName + "!"; // is same as string message = $"{greeting} {firstName}!";
- string interpolation and verbatim
string projectName = "First-Project"; Console.WriteLine($@"C:\Output\{projectName}\Data");
- composite formatting with index
string first = "Hello"; string second = "World"; Console.WriteLine("{1} {0}!", first, second); // World Hello! Console.WriteLine("{0} {0} {0}!", first, second); // Hello Hello Hello!
- formatting for currency
decimal price = 123.45m; int discount = 50; Console.WriteLine($"Price: {price:C} (Save {discount:C})"); // Price: $123.45 (Save $50.00)
- formatting for numbers
decimal measurement = 123456.78912m; Console.WriteLine($"Measurement: {measurement:N} units"); // Measurement: 123,456.79 units Console.WriteLine($"Measurement: {measurement:N4} units"); // Measurement: 123,456.7891 units
- formatting for percentages
decimal tax = .36785m; Console.WriteLine($"Tax rate: {tax:P2}"); // Tax rate: 36.79 % decimal price = 67.55m; decimal salePrice = 59.99m; string yourDiscount = String.Format("You saved {0:C2} off the regular {1:C2} price. ", (price - salePrice), price); yourDiscount += $"A discount of {((price - salePrice)/price):P2}!"; //inserted Console.WriteLine(yourDiscount); // You saved $7.56 off the regular $67.55 price. A discount of 11.19%!
string input = "Pad this";
Console.WriteLine(input.PadLeft(12)); // Pad this
Console.WriteLine(input.PadLeft(12, '-')); // ----Pad this
Console.WriteLine(input.PadRight(12, '-')); // Pad this----
- IndexOf() gives you the first position of a character or string inside of another string.
- IndexOf() returns -1 if it can't find a match.
- Substring() returns just the specified portion of a string, using a starting position and optional length.
string message = "Find what is (inside the parentheses)"; int openingPosition = message.IndexOf('('); int closingPosition = message.IndexOf(')'); Console.WriteLine(openingPosition); // 13 Console.WriteLine(closingPosition); // 36 int length = closingPosition - openingPosition; Console.WriteLine(message.Substring(openingPosition, length)); // (inside the parentheses
- Retrieve the last occurrence of a sub string
string message = "(What if) I am (only interested) in the last (set of parentheses)?"; int openingPosition = message.LastIndexOf('('); openingPosition += 1; int closingPosition = message.LastIndexOf(')'); int length = closingPosition - openingPosition; Console.WriteLine(message.Substring(openingPosition, length)); // set of parentheses
- Retrieve all instances of substrings inside parentheses
string message = "(What if) there are (more than) one (set of parentheses)?"; while (true) { int openingPosition = message.IndexOf('('); if (openingPosition == -1) break; openingPosition += 1; int closingPosition = message.IndexOf(')'); int length = closingPosition - openingPosition; Console.WriteLine(message.Substring(openingPosition, length)); // Note the overload of the Substring to return only the remaining // unprocessed message: message = message.Substring(closingPosition + 1); }
- IndexOfAny()
string message = "Help (find) the {opening symbols}"; Console.WriteLine($"Searching THIS Message: {message}"); // Searching THIS message: Help (find) the {opening symbols} char[] openSymbols = { '[', '{', '(' }; int startPosition = 6; int openingPosition = message.IndexOfAny(openSymbols); Console.WriteLine($"Found WITHOUT using startPosition: {message.Substring(openingPosition)}"); // Found WITHOUT using startPosition: (find) the {opening symbols} openingPosition = message.IndexOfAny(openSymbols, startPosition); Console.WriteLine($"Found WITH using startPosition: {message.Substring(openingPosition)}"); // Found WITH using startPosition 6: {opening symbols}
- Remove()
string data = "12345John Smith 5000 3 "; string updatedData = data.Remove(5, 20); Console.WriteLine(updatedData); // 123455000 3
- Replace()
string message = "This--is--ex-amp-le--da-ta"; message = message.Replace("--", " "); message = message.Replace("-", ""); Console.WriteLine(message); // This is example data
- Methods that add blank spaces for formatting purposes (PadLeft(), PadRight())
- Methods that compare two strings or facilitate comparison (Trim(), TrimStart(), TrimEnd(), GetHashcode(), the Length property)
- Methods that help you determine what's inside of a string, or even retrieve just a part of the string (Contains(), StartsWith(), EndsWith(), Substring())
- Methods that change the content of the string by replacing, inserting, or removing parts (Replace(), Insert(), Remove())
- Methods that turn a string into an array of strings or characters (Split(), ToCharArray())
- check if a string contains a substring
string pangram = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."; Console.WriteLine(pangram.Contains("fox")); // True Console.WriteLine(pangram.Contains("cow")); // False
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- math operations
int sum = 7 + 5; // 12 sum += 5; // 17 sum ++; // 18 sum --; // 17 sum -= 5; // 12 sum = sum + 10; // 22 int difference = 7 - 5; // 2 int product = 7 * 5; // 35 int quotient = 7 / 5; // 1
- modulus
int a = 200 % 5; // 0 int b = 7 % 5; // 2
- decimal quotient
decimal decimalQuotient = 7.0m / 5; // 1.4
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- basics
Console.WriteLine("a" != "a"); // False Console.WriteLine("a" != "A"); // True Console.WriteLine(1 != 2); // True string myValue = "a"; Console.WriteLine(myValue != "a"); // False
Console.WriteLine(1 > 2); // False Console.WriteLine(1 < 2); // True Console.WriteLine(1 >= 1); // True Console.WriteLine(1 <= 1); // True
<evaluate this condition> ? <if condition is true, return this value: <if condition is false, return this value>
- example
int saleAmount = 1001; int discount = saleAmount > 1000 ? 100 : 50; Console.WriteLine($"Discount: {discount}"); // Discount: 100
switch (fruit)
case "apple":
case "grape":
Console.WriteLine($"App will display information for apple or grape.");
case "banana":
Console.WriteLine($"App will display information for banana.");
case "cherry":
Console.WriteLine($"App will display information for cherry.");
Console.WriteLine($"App will display information for default.");
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int[] array = new int[10];
array[0] = 1;
array[1] = 10;
int[] inventory = { 200, 450, 700, 175, 250 };
string[] fraudulentOrderIDs = new string[3];
string [,] array2D = new array[3][6]; //declare 2d array
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- foreach loop
int[] inventory = { 200, 450, 700, 175, 250 };
int sum = 0;
foreach (int items in inventory)
sum += items;
- for loop
int[] inventory2 = { 200, 450, 700, 175, 250 };
int sum2 = 0;
for(int i=0 ; i<inventory2.Length ; i++)
sum2 += inventory2[i];
Console.WriteLine("for inventory sum: " + sum2);
- do while loop
Random random = new Random();
int current = 0;
current = random.Next(1, 11);
} while (current != 7);
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Random dice = new Random();
int roll = dice.Next(1, 7); // limit number from 1 - 6 ( [1, 7) )
int roll1 = dice.Next(); // limit number from 0 - 2,147,483,647(int max) ( [0, int max) )
int roll2 = dice.Next(101); // limit number from 0 - 100 ( [0, 101) )
int roll3 = dice.Next(50, 101); // limit number from 50 - 100 ( [50, 100) )
Console.WriteLine(roll); // 5
Console.WriteLine($"First roll: {roll1}"); // 342585470
Console.WriteLine($"Second roll: {roll2}"); // 43
Console.WriteLine($"Third roll: {roll3}"); // 89
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string[] pallets = { "B14", "A11", "B12", "A13" }; Console.WriteLine("Sorted..."); Array.Sort(pallets); foreach (var pallet in pallets) { Console.WriteLine($"-- {pallet}"); }
Sorted... -- A11 -- A13 -- B12 -- B14
string[] pallets = { "B14", "A11", "B12", "A13" }; Console.WriteLine("Reversed..."); Array.Reverse(pallets); foreach (var pallet in pallets) { Console.WriteLine($"-- {pallet}"); }
Reversed... -- B14 -- B12 -- A13 -- A11
Clear() with specific range
string[] pallets = { "B14", "A11", "B12", "A13" }; Console.WriteLine($"Before: {pallets[0]}"); Array.Clear(pallets, 0, 2); Console.WriteLine($"After: {pallets[0]}"); Console.WriteLine($"Clearing 2 ... count: {pallets.Length}"); foreach (var pallet in pallets) { Console.WriteLine($"-- {pallet}"); }
Before: B14 After: Clearing 2 ... count: 4 -- -- -- B12 -- A13
string[] pallets = { "B14", "A11", "B12", "A13" }; Array.Resize(ref pallets, 6); Console.WriteLine($"Resizing 6 ... count: {pallets.Length}"); pallets[4] = "C01"; pallets[5] = "C02"; foreach (var pallet in pallets) { Console.WriteLine($"-- {pallet}"); }
Resizing 6 ... count: 6 -- B14 -- A11 -- B12 -- A13 -- C01 -- C02
Resize() to remove elements
string[] pallets = { "B14", "A11", "B12", "A13" }; Array.Resize(ref pallets, 3); Console.WriteLine($"Resizing 3 ... count: {pallets.Length}"); foreach (var pallet in pallets) { Console.WriteLine($"-- {pallet}"); }
Resizing 3 ... count: 3 -- -- -- B12
string value = "abc123"; char[] valueArray = value.ToCharArray(); Array.Reverse(valueArray); string result = new string(valueArray); Console.WriteLine(result); // 321cbs
string result = "3,2,1,c,b,a"; string[] items = result.Split(','); foreach (string item in items) { Console.WriteLine(item); }
3 2 1 c b a
string value = "321cba"; string result = String.Join(",", value); Console.WriteLine(result); // 3,2,1,c,b,a
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void CountTo(int max)
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
Console.Write($"${i}, ");
using "return" in void method will terminate the execution of the void method
- set a default value for the parameter to make it optional
void RSVP(string name, int partySize = 1, string allergies = "none", bool inviteOnly = true){ ... } RSVP("Rebecca"); // partySize = 1 , allergies = "none" , inviteOnly = true RSVP("Nadia", 2, "Nuts"); // inviteOnly = true RSVP(name: "Linh", partySize: 2, inviteOnly: false); RSVP("Tony", allergies: "Jackfruit", inviteOnly: true); RSVP("Noor", 4, inviteOnly: false); RSVP("Jonte", 2, "Stone fruit", false);
double GetDiscountedPrice(int itemIndex)
double result = items[itemIndex] * (1 - discounts[itemIndex]);
return result;
bool TotalMeetsMinimum()
return total >= minimumSpend;
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// try code block - code that may generate an exception
// catch code block - code to handle an exception
// finally code block - code to clean up resources
// Step 1: code execution begins
// Step 2: an exception occurs here
// Step 4: the system executes the finally code block associated with the try statement where the exception occurred
catch // Step 3: the system finds a catch clause that can handle the exception
// Step 5: the system transfers control to the first line of the catch code block
example 1
try { Process1(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("An exception has occurred"); } Console.WriteLine("Exit program"); static void Process1() { try { WriteMessage(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Exception caught in Process1"); } } static void WriteMessage() { double float1 = 3000.0; double float2 = 0.0; int number1 = 3000; int number2 = 0; Console.WriteLine(float1 / float2); Console.WriteLine(number1 / number2); }
∞ Exception caught in Process1 Exit program
static void Process1() { try { WriteMessage(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Exception caught in Process1: {ex.Message}"); } }
catch specific exception types
static void Process1() { try { WriteMessage(); } catch (DivideByZeroException ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Exception caught in Process1: {ex.Message}"); } }
// inputValues is used to store numeric values entered by a user string[] inputValues = new string[]{"three", "9999999999", "0", "2" }; foreach (string inputValue in inputValues) { int numValue = 0; try { numValue = int.Parse(inputValue); } catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid readResult. Please enter a valid number."); } catch (OverflowException) { Console.WriteLine("The number you entered is too large or too small."); } catch(Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
ArgumentException invalidArgumentException = new ArgumentException();
ArgumentException invalidArgumentException = new ArgumentException("ArgumentException: The 'GraphData' method received data outside the expected range.");
throw invalidArgumentException;
string[][] userEnteredValues = new string[][]
new string[] { "1", "two", "3"},
new string[] { "0", "1", "2"}
foreach (string[] userEntries in userEnteredValues)
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.StackTrace.Contains("BusinessProcess1") && (ex is FormatException))
static void BusinessProcess1(String[] userEntries)
int valueEntered;
foreach (string userValue in userEntries)
valueEntered = int.Parse(userValue);
// completes required calculations based on userValue
// ...
catch (FormatException)
FormatException invalidFormatException = new FormatException("FormatException: User input values in 'BusinessProcess1' must be valid integers");
throw invalidFormatException;
catch (Exception ex)
// handle or partially handle the exception
// ...
// re-throw the original exception object for further handling down the call stack
catch (Exception ex)
// handle or partially handle the exception
// ...
// create a new exception object that wraps the original exception
throw new ApplicationException("An error occurred", ex);
string[][] userEnteredValues = new string[][]
new string[] { "1", "2", "3"},
new string[] { "1", "two", "3"},
new string[] { "0", "1", "2"}
Console.WriteLine("'Workflow1' completed successfully.");
catch (DivideByZeroException ex)
Console.WriteLine("An error occurred during 'Workflow1'.");
static void Workflow1(string[][] userEnteredValues)
foreach (string[] userEntries in userEnteredValues)
Console.WriteLine("'Process1' completed successfully.");
catch (FormatException ex)
Console.WriteLine("'Process1' encountered an issue, process aborted.");
static void Process1(String[] userEntries)
int valueEntered;
foreach (string userValue in userEntries)
bool integerFormat = int.TryParse(userValue, out valueEntered);
if (integerFormat == true)
if (valueEntered != 0)
int calculatedValue = 4 / valueEntered;
throw new DivideByZeroException("Invalid data. User input values must be non-zero values.");
throw new FormatException("Invalid data. User input values must be valid integers.");
'Process1' completed successfully.
'Process1' encountered an issue, process aborted.
Invalid data. User input values must be valid integers.
An error occurred during 'Workflow1'.
Invalid data. User input values must be non-zero values.
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- List & List's built-in methods
- List
- need to import List library
using System.Collections.Generic;
var names = new List<string> { "<name>", "Scoot", "Kendra" };
- Add()
- Remove()
- List
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- Class
using System; namespace MySuperBank { public class BankAccount { public string Number { get; } public string Owner { get; set; } public decimal Balance { get; } public BankAccount(string name, decimal initialBalance) { this.Owner = name; this.Balance = initialBalance; } public void MakeDeposit(decimal amount, DateTime date, string note) { } public void MakeWithdrawal(decimal amount, DateTime date, string note) { } } }
using Classes; var account = new BankAccount("<name>", 1000); Console.WriteLine($"Account {account.Number} was created for {account.Owner} with {account.Balance} initial balance.");