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Quality Assessment

Yury Alencar Lima edited this page Jul 12, 2019 · 48 revisions

In this table, the Quality Assessment Phase results are presented.

To qualify the studies was used quality criteria and responses present in [Quality Assessment Checklist].

ID Title QA01 QA02 QA03 QA04 TOTAL
A01 A process for evidence-based engineering of domain-specific languages Y Y Y P 3.5
A02 A Script-Based Testbed for Mobile Software Frameworks Y Y Y P 3.5
A03 A Testing Tool for Web Applications Using a Domain-Specific Modelling Language and the NuSMV Model Checker Y Y Y Y 4.0
A04 A Textual Domain-Specific Language Based on the UML Testing Profile Y Y Y P 3.5
A05 Accelerating Test Automation through a Domain Specific Language Y Y Y Y 4.0
A06 Achieving Test Automation with Testers Without Coding Skills: An Industrial Report Y Y Y Y 4.0
A07 ACRE: An Automated Aspect Creator for Testing C++ Applications Y Y Y P 3.5
A08 An integrated tool environment for experimentation in domain specific language engineering Y Y P P 3.0
A09 Automated model-based testing based on an agnostic-platform modeling language Y Y Y P 3.5
A10 Automated testing framework development based on social interaction and communication principles Y Y Y P 3.5
A11 Automated Web Testing Based on Textual-visual UI Patterns: The UTF Approach Y Y Y Y 4.0
A12 Evolving the ETSI Test Description Language Y Y Y Y 4.0
A13 From Simulation Data to Test Cases for Fully Automated Driving and ADAS P Y P Y 3.0
A14 Integrating Requirements Specification and Model-Based Testing in Agile Development Y Y Y Y 4.0
A15 Legend: An agile DSL toolset for web acceptance testing P Y Y P 3.0
A16 LiFT: Driving Development Using a Business-Readable DSL for Web Testing Y Y Y Y 4.0
A17 Modbat: A Model-Based API Tester for Event-Driven Systems Y Y Y Y 4.0
A18 Model-Based Test Case Generation for Web Applications Y Y Y P 3.5
A19 On the Industrial Applicability of TextTest: An Empirical Case Study Y Y P P 3.0
A20 Photon: A Domain-Specific Language for Testing Converged Applications P Y P N 2.0
A21 Test automation of a measurement system using a domain-specific modelling language Y Y Y Y 4.0
A22 Test descriptions with ETSI TDL Y Y Y Y 4.0
A23 Test process improvement with documentation driven integration testing Y N Y P 2.5
A24 The MIDAS Cloud Platform for Testing SOA Applications Y Y Y P 3.5
A25 WebSpec: a visual language for specifying interaction and navigation requirements in web applications Y Y Y Y 4.0
A26 Capture and Evolution of Web Requirements Using WebSpec Y Y Y P 3.5
A27 TSTL: the template scripting testing language Y Y Y P 3.5
A28 Ubtl UML testing profile based testing language Y Y Y Y 4.0
A29 Using Haskell to script combinatoric testing of web services Y Y Y P 3.5
A30 Lightweight Model-Based Testing for Enterprise IT Y Y Y P 3.5
A31 The perceived value of authoring and automating acceptance tests using a model driven development toolset Y N Y P 2.5


Label Description
Y Yes
P Partially
N No
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