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Snowballing: Data Extraction 2020 to 2021

Yury Alencar Lima edited this page Dec 22, 2020 · 6 revisions

To Extract data of the studies was used data extraction form present in [Data Extraction Form].

A78 - Model-Based Testing in Agile Projects: An Approach Based on Domain-Specific Languages (2020)

Data Response
Title of Study Model-Based Testing in Agile Projects: An Approach Based on Domain-Specific Languages.
Authors Aline Zanin, Avelino Fracisco Zorzo, and Henry Cabral Nunes.
Year of publication 2020.
Study objective clearly stated? Yes.
Are there enough data to assess the validity of the findings? If not, what are they missing? Not contains an evaluation better how Study of Case, Proof of concept, experiment or quasi-experiment, only contains Focus Group and Survey.
DSL Name Aquila.
Use or propose a DSL? Propose.
DSL Features Scripts Generation, Sequence generation
Which DSL focus domain? Web Applications.
Technologies and Notations used in DSL development Java.
DSL type Textual.
Technique/approach/method to ensure coverage of the system with test cases Use of the Depth-First Search algorithm (DFS).
System Under Testing (SUT) data are represented in the models and how they are represented This language is an extension of the Gherkin language. SUT data is entered equally using Gherkin with minor differences.
Benefits in using DSL Productivity, possible to have a small learning curve, use in agile development.
Drawbacks in using DSL It’s not necessarily easy to learn.
Trends in using DSL A DSL usability assessment.
Others comments about study This DSL requires a better evaluation.

A79 - Implementation of the simple domain-specific language for system testing in V-Model development lifecycle (2020)

Data Response
Title of Study Implementation of the simple domain-specific language for system testing in V-Model development lifecycle.
Authors Katharina Juhnke, Matthias Tichy.
Year of publication 2020.
Study objective clearly stated? Yes.
Are there enough data to assess the validity of the findings? If not, what are they missing? Not contains evaluation.
DSL Name Not Specified.
Use or propose a DSL? Propose.
DSL Features Speficied test cases, link with requirements (without validation), report test cases results in JUnit XML.
Which DSL focus domain? All domains because this DSL not contains executable scripts.
Technologies and Notations used in DSL development XML.
DSL type Textual.
Technique/approach/method to ensure coverage of the system with test cases Not contains.
System Under Testing (SUT) data are represented in the models and how they are represented Using specifics tags in XML.
Benefits in using DSL Eliminates miscommunications between testers and requirement engineers making the testing closer to the requirement engineers.
Drawbacks in using DSL Not contains validation in link with test case and requirement id.
Trends in using DSL Link requirements with automation tests.
Others comments about study Is an DSL without scripts generation

A80 - Advantageous Usage of Textual Domain-Specific Languages for Scenario-Driven Development of Automated Driving Functions (2019)

Data Response
Title of Study Advantageous Usage of Textual Domain-Specific Languages for Scenario-Driven Development of Automated Driving Functions.
Authors Christoph Sippl, Florian Bock, Christoph Lauer, Aaron Heinz, Thomas Neumayer, and Reinhard German.
Year of publication 2019.
Study objective clearly stated? Yes.
Are there enough data to assess the validity of the findings? If not, what are they missing? Evaluation is not most detailed.
DSL Name Not is presented.
Use or propose a DSL? Propose.
DSL Features Describe test scenarios, export o OpenXML to OpenDrive. (Transpiled language)
Which DSL focus domain? Automotive Applications.
Technologies and Notations used in DSL development Jetbrains MPS.
DSL type Projecional/ Textual.
Technique/approach/method to ensure coverage of the system with test cases Not contains.
System Under Testing (SUT) data are represented in the models and how they are represented Using specific keywords.
Benefits in using DSL Not is Ambiguos, facilitate test description evolution.
Drawbacks in using DSL Require most evaluation.
Trends in using DSL Make an evaluation.
Others comments about study Is an extension of the OpenSCENARIO.


Data Response
Title of Study #TODO.
Authors #TODO.
Year of publication #TODO.
Study objective clearly stated? #TODO.
Are there enough data to assess the validity of the findings? If not, what are they missing? #TODO.
Use or propose a DSL? #TODO.
DSL Features #TODO
Which DSL focus domain? #TODO.
Technologies and Notations used in DSL development #TODO.
DSL type #TODO.
Technique/approach/method to ensure coverage of the system with test cases #TODO.
System Under Testing (SUT) data are represented in the models and how they are represented #TODO.
Benefits in using DSL #TODO.
Drawbacks in using DSL #TODO.
Trends in using DSL #TODO.
Others comments about study #TODO.

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