Hatohol Client is a frontend part of Hatohol and provides a web UI based on Django.
- Python 2.6
- Django 1.5
- JavaScript enabled (web browser side)
This application contains following foreign modules. Thanks a lot!
- jQuery 1.9.1 (http://jquery.com/)
- Bootstrap 3.1.0 (http://getbootstrap.com/)
- Stupid-table-plugin maintained by [joequery] (http://joequery.github.io/Stupid-Table-Plugin/)
See also this page to setup Hatohol for CentOS with the binary packages. (Only Japanese explanation is provided.)
Hatohol Client is written as PATH FREE. So you can place it anywhere.
The following shows examples to install Required Packages.
# yum install python-setuptools python-devel
# easy_install pip
# pip install django==1.5.4 mysql-python
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev gettext
$ sudo pip install django==1.5.4 mysql-python
$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password:(input password)
mysql> CREATE DATABASE hatohol_client;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON hatohol_client.* TO hatohol@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'hatohol';
You must change the current directory to "client" under the top directory.
$ ./manage.py syncdb
Hatohol Client is a standard Django project. So you can run it on any WSGI compliant application server.
You must change the current directory to "client" under the top directory.
Alternatively you can run with a runserver sub-command of Django's manage.py.
$ ./manage.py runserver
If you allow to access from the outside, you need specifying the address like
$ ./manage.py runserver
Edit hatohol/hatoholserver.py and update the following lines.